Romance: The Billionaire Alpha Collection

Romance: The Billionaire Alpha Collection by Penny Ward

Book: Romance: The Billionaire Alpha Collection by Penny Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Ward
have money and the perfect man.  Sounds like a perfect deal.”
    I stared at her. 
    It’s as if she read my mind.
    “What?” she questioned my stare.
    “Like I said, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
    “Try me.”
    “A man offered me money for sex today.”
    “Really?” Caroline became intrigued, “Just any man or one you know?”
    “I served him in the restaurant but he’s obviously got a lot of money.”
    “How much did he offer?”
    “Does it matter?” I questioned.
    Caroline shakes her head, “Perhaps.  Was he sleazy?”
    “Not at all.  He was the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on.  He was stunningly gorgeous and when he talked to me, he took my breath away.  He was truly stunning.”
    “So what’s the problem?” Caroline asked.
    Caroline was five years older, and a lifetime more experienced, than I was.  She was open to what the world had to offer and was always seeking out new opportunities to excite her.
    I always wished I were as adventurous as her. 
    But she is also very non-judgmental.  That’s why I like her so much.
    When I was going through the break-up with Richard, she was my shoulder to lean on.  She never once judged my reactions to the break-up – but she listened intently.
    “The problem is that a man I don’t know offered me money for sex,” I responded as she handed across a warm of coffee.
    “If he asked you out on a date, would you say yes?”
    I smiled, “I suppose.”
    “And would you sleep with him after a few dates?”
    “Maybe,” I shrugged my shoulders, a little embarrassed by the question.
    “Then what’s the problem?  If he’s good looking and not dangerous, then I don’t see the problem.  I would jump at the chance.”
    “It’s not morally right to take money for sex.”
    “Screw morals.  You’ve been stuffed over enough to forget about morals.  This is what you need.  How much did he offer?”
    “He offered to pay all my debts.”
    “All of them?”
    I nod.
    “And how many times did he want to have sex?”
    “He wanted two nights with me.”
    “Oh wow.  That’s good.  Take it,” Caroline stated to me, “You shouldn’t worry about morals.  You’ve had enough go wrong in your life to worry about.  This is your chance, your turn.  When opportunities like this present themselves, you have to take them.  If you spend one weekend with this man, then you get to start your life again.  You have to take this chance.  After one weekend, you can start again.  Don’t run away from a chance to start your life again.”
    “But I don’t know if I could go through with it.”
    “Don’t think about the money.  Think about the lust.  It is just sex.”
    “It might be just sex to you, but sex means a lot more to me.”
    “Don’t be so immature,” Caroline laughed, “Sex is sex.  It can be the most wonderful experience of your life, if you let it.  I know you still hold onto your country life values, but here in New York, you can be whoever you want to be.  If you want to have a one-night stand, do it.  Nobody will ever find out, if you don’t tell them.  Only you will know.”
    “Is it really that easy?” I questioned.
    “Of course it is.  You should go to his place and check the place out.  And if it gets too much, you can always leave.  But you should at least go and check it out.”
    “I’ve never done anything like that before.”
    “All the more reason to do it,” she laughed again, “Be free.  Let your life be free of any hang-ups.  One day you’ll look back on your life and wish you took the opportunities.  This is an opportunity you don’t want to regret missing.  Did he leave you his phone number?”
    “He left a business card.”
    “Call it.  Do something wild… but also set yourself up for the future.”
    “What if my parents find out that I slept with someone for money?”
    “Stuff them,” Caroline laughed again, “This is your life, not theirs.  You are free to make

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