Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2)

Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2) by Ciana Stone

Book: Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2) by Ciana Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ciana Stone
through his hair. "War is an ugly business."
    "Sometimes to save a hand it is necessary to sacrifice a finger. What would you see Gabriel? Millions of innocents die for the ambition of a few who mean only ill, or the imprisonment of those war mongers so that bloodshed can be averted?"
    "Hold on, imprisonment? Just how do you think you're going to accomplish that?"
    "With Nevaeh's help. She can suspend time, Gabriel. For a few or for many."
    "Ah, I get it. They could be frozen in time, held suspended."
    "Yes. In a secure location, of course."
    Gabriel nodded. "Thank you for being honest with me, Severin."
    "Why would I be anything but, Gabriel?"
    Gabriel smiled. "You know, it still bugs me that your kind is labeled as Daemon."
    "It is only a word, Gabriel, not a definition. There are among my kind who lust for a dark path, just as there are among the other tribes. Good and evil, light and dark, neither can exist without the other. It is what balances the Universe."
    "You're a wise man, Severin. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to know you better but I do consider you a friend."
    "There is still time, Gabriel and I am honored to call you friend."
    "And I, you."Gabriel offered his hand.
    Severin clasped it. "Thank you. And as a friend, I now beg your help. We must locate Nevaeh before the Dark Fae warp her mind and turn her to their path."
    "I've tried. So has Augustus. We can't find her."
    "Then you look in the wrong place."
    "Oh, well what's the right place?"
    "She will go where her heart leads."
    Gabriel's eyes widened. "Of course. Her father. I have to see Augustus. Do you – is it okay if I tell him what you told me."
    "Of course, in fact, I will accompany you. There must be full disclosure between us if there is to be trust."
    "Lucien's going to be fit to be tied, you know."
    "Lucien believes he is the only among us with moral fiber strong enough to deal with such situations."
    "He does have a high opinion of himself."
    "Warranted, but at times an encumbrance."
    Gabriel laughed. "Well said. So, you want a lift to the estate?"
    Severin smiled. "I have my own means. See you there."
    When he vanished, Gabriel chuckled. He'd just learned that an old earth saying was true. Never judge a book by its cover. He'd known Severin for nine centuries and not until today had he gotten a glimpse of who the man behind the stoic façade really was.

Chapter Eight
    War. That's about the ugliest word ever invented. I don't hate much and certainly not easily but that is something I hate with great passion. I've seen my share of war and I don't want to see more.
    Is there a chance we can avoid or avert war? The optimist inside says yes. If only that optimistic side could come up with a way of doing that. But strategy is not my strong suit. That's better left to people like Augustus.
    Nevaeh was in knots by the time they reached the care facility where her father was staying. Despite her resolve, the things Elysia told her had doubt creeping into her mind. There was no reason for Gabriel to have been attracted to her. She was just a human and he was an Angel. Not to mention so gorgeous he could have any woman he wanted.
    Nor did it make sense that Layla would offer to pay her father's medical expenses. Who did that after knowing a person for a day? And Augustus did insist on them sharing blood.
    She didn't want to believe that they'd set out to deceive her but what did she really know about them? And Elysia really seemed forthright.
    Still, she was going to reserve final judgment until she saw if Elysia could prove what she claimed. The idea that her dad could be cured was her biggest dream. Could it really be possible?
    They were about to find out.
    Nevaeh checked in at the front desk. "Hey Darla. How're you doing?"
    "Nev! Hey, honey. How was your trip?"
    "Interesting. How's Dad?"
    "No change but he's been in good humor. I think he's awake, so go on it."
    "Okay, thanks."
    Nevaeh led the way to her father's room. He was sitting in a chair in

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