Safe Passage

Safe Passage by Kate Owen Page B

Book: Safe Passage by Kate Owen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Owen
Tags: F/F romance, contemporary
"You want to walk a bit before we head back?"
    Jules dropped cash on the table for the waiter and walked out with Gen, her hand finding the small of the other woman's back. The walked out of the restaurant and down around the side to watch the lights glinting off Lake Pontchartrain. Gen shivered slightly and Jules put her coat on Gen's shoulders.
    "Still cold?" Jules asked.
    "A little."
    Jules wrapped her arms around Gen from behind, and Gen put her hands over Jules arms, holding her in place.
    "You really had to wear cashmere, didn't you?"
    "I can't stop touching you."
    "I am not complaining."
    "Do you have something else planned? I don't want to go home just yet."
    "Well ..."
    "I made a torte, but ..."
    "Jules, how easy do you think I am?"
    "Well, you did live in France."
    Gen slapped her arm lightly.
    "I'm kidding Gen. No expectations, just desert."
    "Take me back to your place."
    Jules drove from Lakeshore to her place quickly, and pulled up to her house. She glanced over at Gen as she killed the engine. She walked around the car, opening Gen's door. Gen followed her inside and Jules quickly deactivated the alarm and let Samson out of his crate, unlocking the dog door.
    "Jules," Gen murmured.
    "I'm not really ready for dessert."
    "Me neither."
    Jules pulled Gen to her and their bodies crashed together. Gen's fingers tangled in Jules' short hair and she pulled lightly. Jules groaned and dragged her hands down Gen's body to grip her hips.
    Gen broke away from the kiss and worried Jules' earlobe with her teeth. "Jules, we agreed this is our third date, right? So, if I asked you to take me up to your room, that wouldn't make me a slut, would it?"
    "Not at all," Jules growled. "It makes you a damn good sport." Gen laughed and then yelped in surprise. Jules had gotten frustrated bending over because of Gen's drastically shorter frame and lifted her up. Gen wrapped her legs around Jules' waist, bringing their cores close to where they needed them. Gen moaned at the contact and Jules turned, pressing her against the wall. "So much better," she hissed.
    "Jules, bedroom."
    "Right," Jules said as she walked toward the staircase, her hands on Gen's ass to keep up their connection.
    The pair made their way up the stairs, Jules almost dropped Gen once she started to grind onto her abs. Jules kicked open her bedroom door and made her way toward the bed. "Jules, wait."
    Jules stopped in her tracks. "What?"
    "I need you to be naked right now," Gen whispered. "So put me down so I can take all your clothes off."
    Jules slowly lowered Gen to her feet. "Oh, thank God. I thought you wanted to stop."
    "No," Gen murmured as she began to unbuckle Jules' belt. Jules pulled off her own sweater, but let Gen undress the rest of her.
    When Jules was standing there in a bra and boy shorts. she looked at Gen, her blue eyes dark with desire. "I think you're overdressed, cher," she growled, her already low, raspy voice two octaves lower than usual. Her hand went to the back of the dress and found the zipper that she slowly lowered. The dress loosened around Gen's shoulders and Jules slowly brought her hands back up Gen's body, grazing her newly exposed back in the process. Gen hissed in appreciation and Jules slowly pushed the dress off Gen's shoulders, watching it fall, and pool around her ankles.
    She backed up a few steps to take in Gen's body, encased in nothing but a blue lace bra and matching thong. As Jules' gaze raked over the other woman's body she whispered, "Genevieve, you are the most exquisite woman I have ever seen." It sounded like a prayer and Gen jumped back into Jules' arms, her hands gripping Jules' shoulders for balance and her legs wrapped around Jules' narrow hips. Jules gripped her ass, bare because of the thong and groaned. Gen kicked off her heels and they clattered on the hardwood floor. Jules took them over to the bed the two of them falling onto the comforter, Jules

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