
sanguineangels by Various

Book: sanguineangels by Various Read Free Book Online
Authors: Various
Tags: Romance
focused behind her, a deadly challenge in his brown eyes, and Titania just barely caught a toothy snarl from Diego. Great, she thought. Too much testosterone was not a good thing. Real soon, she was going to have to find out how two men could take such an instant dislike to each other.
    Two nights later, Titania was ready to pull her hair out. Houston and Diego circled each other like junkyard dogs. Houston kept a football field between Diego and Laney, and whenever she tried to talk to Diego, Houston yanked her away on some emergency. And since Houston was suspicious, so were David and Justin. If anything, David had grown even more protective. In short, she was ready to scream in frustration.
    Tani stared at the passing highway stripes through the tinted bus window, thankful to be alone for the moment. The dark night hours were soothing, calming her. She pulled up her legs, wrapping her arms around them. Laney had convinced Houston to take a private drive with just the two of them in Houston’s Ferrari. David and Justin were up front, driving the bus to their next show, which was just fine with her, since everyone was behaving as if she’d lost her mind.
    So what if Diego was different? He didn’t have to be with her every single second. She understood that. What could happen to her in a moving bus, anyway? She rolled her eyes in blatant disrespect, remembering Houston’s warnings before Laney managed to drag him away.
    Houston didn’t trust Diego at all, especially since he wouldn’t be traveling with them every single minute. But he would be with her when she needed him. Wasn’t that the most important thing?
    How could she describe Diego’s abilities? She wasn’t sure it was even possible. His abilities were unfathomable. He had to be the most gifted person she’d ever run across, his strength unbelievable. He was even a little frightening at times. So what if he could just appear? She mentally shrugged. Houston probably just hadn’t seen him at first and couldn’t stomach admitting to it. She knew he hadn’t left the room, but even she hadn’t seen him when she’d checked before leaving with David and Justin. It really didn’t matter. Houston didn’t trust him. Somehow, the fact that he had saved her life didn’t hold any water now either.
    That really irritated Titania. Ungrateful jerks, she silently cursed. If I had been in the hospital for a week, then everything would have been fine . She watched the winking stars in the sea of the night sky. I appreciate it .
    “I am very glad to know you do.”
    “Diego,” she whispered, and her eyes popped open with his sudden vocal reappearance. Her heart leaped at his return. She hadn’t realized until she heard him again that she had missed his unusual contacts. She searched the inner sanctum of the bus, but she was still alone. “Where are you?”
    “In San Francisco.”
    “Already?” She sat up, stunned.
    “I had to ensure your arrival would be secure.”
    She couldn’t miss the hesitation in his answer. “What is it?”
    “Something does not feel right. It is not Brakka. But something… I will search more. Do not worry over it.”
    “I never worry,” she retorted with a defiant tilt of her chin.
    “I did not mean to imply that you would, cara.” His voice warmed her, slid over nerves like hot honey. Her breathing grew ragged. How could he do that to her? And he wasn’t even there!
    “I could be,” he replied, his smooth voice shimmering into her thoughts.
    “No. No, that’s okay.” His haunting, masculine laughter reached her, reverberated between her ears. Her entire body hummed. Her forehead fell to her lifted knees. “Go away, Diego.”
    “As you wish.” When he was gone, it left her feeling completely isolated. Bereft.
    What was happening to her? How could this man be affecting her so deeply when no one ever had before? It was a good thing he hadn’t kissed her again either. She lost all her senses when he did that. It felt

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