Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance)

Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance) by Becca Little

Book: Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance) by Becca Little Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Little
There was no way I could hold back.  I felt a surge of emotions and passion as I started to orgasm.  It started fast with a sudden burst of pleasure, and then it seemed to come in waves, a little one, a big one, and then smaller waves of intensity.  My hips bucked with each one, to the point he had to grip my thighs and circle my clitoris in order to keep me in place.  When it was finally over, my whole body felt weak.  I sank further into the chair and my eyes refused to even open.  He cleaned himself up and then moved back up into the chair, taking me in his arms, and pulling me against his chest.  I rested there for a few minutes, using all of the energy I had left to simply draw a breath.
    “Now, that was amazing.”  I finally said softly as I lay against him.
    “Good little girls get rewarded.”  He said with a smile and lit a cigarette.  “Bad little girls get punished.”
    “I like being good.”  I replied as I felt sleep coming on.

I woke up and found he had drifted off to sleep as well.  I slowly pulled myself up and walked into the kitchen.  I was in dire need of coffee, tea, or a direct infusion of caffeine.  I settled on a pot of coffee and started making it as I looked back into the living room and watched him sleep.  I couldn’t believe I had spent a lifetime alone when the perfect man for me was so close.  I knew I had assignments I should be focusing on for school with orientation complete and hard deadlines ahead for my online classes, but all I wanted to do was snuggle back up with Solomon.  Before I had a chance, he woke up and caught a glimpse of me watching him.  He dressed himself and walked into the kitchen, taking me in his arms and kissing me deeply.  The kiss lasted until the coffee pot finally gurgled the last drop.  He walked over and poured two cups, dumping his normal assortment into his while I did the same to mine.
    “There is something I need to talk with you about.”  He walked over to the kitchen table and motioned for me to sit.
    “I remember…  Chloe interrupted us.”  I took my seat across from him and he held my hand in his, moving his thumb across my knuckles.
    “I’m a very old fashioned guy.  I believe in a traditional household where the man sits at the head of the table and makes all of the decisions.”  He looked me in the eyes as he said it.
    “I understand.”  I said with a nod.  It was no surprise to me based on what I knew about him so far.
    “I need to make sure you do understand and you’re not just saying you understand.  I don’t have an interest in any other type of relationship.  That is why I’ve struggled to find someone else.  My wife was perfectly fine with that arrangement, in fact she was looking for the exact same thing because it was how she was raised.  You weren’t raised like that…”  He kept his focus on me as if he was trying to gauge my reaction.
    “I know, but I can adjust.  I kind of like knowing you will take care of me.  I’ve never had that.  My life has been a struggle and a fight just to make it from one day to the next.”  I looked down at his calloused hand which was still stroking my knuckles in a soothing manner.
    ”I’m falling hard for you, Amy.  You’ll crush me if you leave, but if you feel like you’re not cut out for it, I will understand.  If you ask any of my ex-girlfriends, they’ll tell you I’m an arrogant, self-centered prick.  I’m possessive, jealous, and a control freak.  I get angry, fly off the handle, drink too much, smoke too much, and I tend to act impulsively without stopping to talk things out.  I’m trying to change that last part with you, or at least I’m trying to talk things out before you are in too deep for me to let you go.”  I felt like he had flayed himself open and bared his soul to me.
    “Your ex-girlfriends have said all of that about you?” I blinked a couple of times.
    “Well, ex-girlfriends, ex-partners, and a

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