Sawyer, Rita - Her Mr. Wrong [What Are Friends For 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Sawyer, Rita - Her Mr. Wrong [What Are Friends For 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Rita Sawyer

Book: Sawyer, Rita - Her Mr. Wrong [What Are Friends For 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Rita Sawyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Sawyer
give in on this.
    His sister must have known it, too, because she caved in. Slade had to wonder if Amy knew what she was getting not just herself, but him, into. Elias handed Matthew to Amy and held out his hand to Jenny. She slid hers into it, and together they walked out the door. Slade hoped they had a better time than he and Amy were about to have. He loved his nephews, but he knew what a handful they could be.
    It didn’t take more than ten minutes for him to realize Amy knew exactly what she was doing. She took her shoes off and got right down on the floor to play with the boys. Her playful and caring way had the boys eating out of her hands, but she was tricky, too. She managed to get them fed and ready for bed without a fuss. Hell, she even got them to eat their veggies, something he’d never been able to do himself. More importantly, he knew she wasn’t doing this to impress him. She was doing this for his sister, and she seemed to actually enjoy playing with the boys.
    This woman called out to everything in him. It was so powerful, it couldn’t be one-sided. That would be wrong on so many levels. If she didn’t feel at least a tenth of what he felt for her, he’d never trust his instincts again. Once she was done reading Conner one more story, they were going to talk. He poured them each a glass of wine and sat down on the couch to wait for her.
    “I’m starving,” she said as she came down the stairs.
    “I could order something.”
    She shook her head, declining his offer. “Let’s see what we can find.”
    Slade picked up the glasses of wine and followed her into the kitchen. He could talk while she cooked. As she went through his sister’s cabinets, he was pleased to see how well stocked they were. She found everything she needed to make spaghetti and tomato sauce.
    “How’d you get to be so good with kids? Did you babysit a lot?” He stood back out of her way, as she filled the pan and carried it to the stove.
    “Not growing up, but I watch my four brother’s kids all the time.” She opened a can of sauce and dumped it into a smaller pan. “They each have a couple boys. Unlike my mother, taking care of kids just came naturally for me. I can’t wait for Lainey and Dianne to have little girls for me to spoil.” She licked the sauce off her finger.
    Slade lost his train of thought for a minute. “Do you want any of your own?”
    “I’d like a few.” Her half shrug intrigued him.
    “How many is a few?” He walked over to the cabinet and took out two plates.
    “Three or four. Hopefully all girls.” She dumped the box of pasta into the boiling water.
    “How many bathrooms do you have in that tiny house of yours?” He set the plates on the table.
    “One.” She smiled as she stirred the sauce.
    “I had to share a bathroom with Jenny growing up, and that was a battle. I can’t imagine sharing one with four girls.”
    “Five,” she said.
    “Unless you’re thinking about having four girls and no mother, you’d be fighting for shower time with five girls.”
    “I could share the shower with my wife.” He waggled his eyebrows, and she laughed.
    Slade and Amy worked side by side. Okay, she worked, and he got in the way, to bring the meal together. When they finally sat down, Slade moved his chair so close to hers that their thighs touched. It wasn’t close enough, but it would have to do for now. They both talked as they ate, regardless of the fact they had food in their mouths. For boxed pasta and canned sauce, it was pretty fabulous. Slade thought it might have had been just because he was eating it with her.
    “How about you go pick a movie, and I’ll load the dishwasher?” he suggested as he carried their plates to the sink.
    “Okay.” She practically flew from the room.
    Slade laughed as he put the left over spaghetti in a bowl and stuffed it in the fridge. He wasn’t going to leave a mess for his sister to come home to, but he hurried through the chore. As he

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