Scarleton Series I : Before the Cult
bed again and resumed her posture. “You have the look of
someone who has not slept for days.”
    The words stung
so much I grappled for that numb feeling.
    “Anybody can
have all these characteristics and not have the problems you are
having. So in the end is more of my intuition. And I have learned
to listen to the damn thing very well. I have learnt my lesson.
Your soul screams for help from a shadowed dark corner of an
abandoned location-less, meaningless, horrid room. It’s a terrible
scream, Sandz. Deafening .”
    Puzzled. I just
stared at her like the meaning of all she just said was completely
    She spread her
arms wide. “Can’t you feel the vibe in this room, Sandz?”
    What is it
though? It’s been here all this time.
    My heart
thumped and sweat broke from my brow, drips from under my armpits
began. And there, she saw all of it happening like a predator
standing over poisoned prey. I took a sip of quaking water from a
shuddering rim as I could not steady myself.
    “Yeah,” I
    “You see I am
not insane. You feel it too. Intuition is perhaps a closer word. We
are sharing some kind of field me and you.” She said. Then later
added,“I don’t go around inviting random guys to my place, Sandz. I
had a feeling about you. I knew your essence somehow. I see a fish
wriggling on dry ground. I’m here to help. You can trust me.”
    I was utterly
stunned, yet quite elated. A rush.
    They say some
things come as easy as breathing – some things are as hard as
taking a hard crap when constipated. I was neither of those things.
Sometimes we refrain from telling people certain things because
they know nothing, sometimes it is because they know too much and
they are too abrupt. This situation is none of those things. It is
too perfect. Too enthralling . Not even in the rarest possibility.
Perhaps a tremendous a scam.
    I needed my
henchmen with me. Scrolled through my contacts and found
Macfearson. Sent a short coded message : Do rotto abba !
    I was becoming
that which I should not become, I was becoming the thing .
Seized by pure impulse and quick manic understanding.
    I have
questions you have answers. This is not even a trade, my love. You
owe me ! I think I know what you are.
    “If I am a
wriggling fish who is wielding the net?” I asked grimly.
    Foolishly and
coyly she answered , “ Tell me what is this net you caught in so I
can help you find out. I want to help.”
    She dryly
chuckled and flicked her hair, a blazing smile slicing through my
    You beautiful
    I played along
with the overtones.
    I will give you
what you want my love but don’t think you are fooling me. I may be
a fish but I sting. I sting so badly Krissy that you have no idea
what I am gonna do to you.
    I smiled,
sweetened by my own sacred thoughts. “I will tell you,” I chuckled,
unable to impede the brewing thing inside me.
    God help me ,
this is the last thing you will ever hear, okay dear?
    “I have this
thing holding me down,” The calling you see. Not anything you
would understand . “I don’t know what it is. It is not really a
thing with me you see,” I sighed, took a swig of water. “I talk no
one hears me. I am there nobody sees me. I just exist, passing by
through the textures of this frail existence. I am alive yet I feel
dead. I just am. I am among people yet I feel extremely lonely.
Everything is just ash, everything is just stale and
    This world of
yours is just ruined, an excuse for a world. When God created this
one he was probably doped out of his mind or he hated you people so
much he did not care one bit what kinda world he was building for
you. You may marvel at how intricate and beautiful it seems but
this is child’s play compared to what he is really capable of. You
are God’s practice project, something left to gather dust along
with old records and relics. Clearly he wasn’t trying. Of course
you would say I’m mad, crazy for thinking such things. Call me
names .

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