Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue

Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue by Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 1

Book: Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue by Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 1 Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 1
I'm not a kirin. But it's probably like this: the ruler is  decided by Tentei, who holds the highest status in the Heavens. After he compares the natures of many  people, he chooses the person who most fit to be the ruler."
    "And then Tentei will inform the kirin of his choice... Oh, he doesn't just use his mouth to tell the kirin!  It's just that when the kirin meets the person who should become the ruler, he will know naturally that it is  him, because the kirin will receive a revelation."
    "What's a revelation?"
    "That's something only a kirin knows. If you are a kirin, it is certain that you will be able to feel the  revelation. Regardless of how small the kirin is, they can definitely all choose a ruler."
    "After a little while, those who hope to become the ruler will climb Mt. Hou in droves. That is how  they will be able to meet you, so that you can choose a ruler out of them."
    "Just like...that guy today?"
    Youka nodded. She put down the cloth she had been using to dry Taiki's hair and began to help him put  on his undergarments.
    "Yes. A lot of people will come! Then... It'll probably be around the summer solstice."
    "Why the summer solstice?"
    "Because Mt. Hou is located in the center of the Yellow Sea. Ordinarily, people aren't allowed into the  Yellow Sea. However, there are four gates upon the periphery of the Yellow Sea. Once they go through  those gates, they will have entered the Yellow Sea. Also, the four gates will open alternately at the spring  and fall equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices."
    The day the gate opens is called Ankou Day. Outside of Ankou Day, these four gates are so closely  protected that not even a drop of water can get through.
    "They only open for one day?"
    "Right, from noon on the day of, to noon on the day after. The spring equinox occurred not long after  you had just arrived, and I thought that even if those people had wanted to climb the mountain, they  probably wouldn't have had enough time. I didn't think it could happen, so I lowered my guard. Please  forgive my error."
    "That's okay."
    "That man today probably rushed here to make it in time. However, when the summer solstice arrives,  then there really will be many people coming to climb the mountain."
    "To get from any of the four gates to here, no matter how fast they are, it takes half a month. Thus,  once they enter a gate, they aren't able to leave until the next time a gate opens. Also, those who wish to  climb Mt. Hou will set up camp in the area around Hoto Palace, and they will stay there until the day they  can leave. Although there are many youma and youju in the Yellow Sea, they aren't able to enter Mt. Hou, so  staying there is very safe. When the time comes, there will be so many people that the commotion will seem  like a small town!"
    "That many people? Then will I really know who the ruler is?"
    "You don't need to worry. You will gain a revelation, so you will certainly know. Regardless of how  great a person looks, if you don't receive the revelation, then they aren't the ruler."
    "However, among those, there will still be people like that idiot today, who think that they just need to  use their savage strength to capture the kirin or force the kirin to bow down to them in order to make them  king."
    "So is that why Houro Palace was built at the end of a maze?"
    "Probably. Because when some people hear that a kirin has been born, they will want to come and take  the kirin."
    "When you are allowed outside of the gate, naturally we will take you outside, so until that time, you  must not run out there by yourself. Even when you are inside the gates, you still need to be careful."
    "I know."
    Youka smiled and rubbed Taiki's head. "When the kirin receives the revelation, he will bow in front of  the ruler.
    Besides the ruler, the kirin will absolutely not bow down to anyone else. Even in the shrines of Tentei  and Seioubo, only

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