Sebastian Darke: Prince of Pirates

Sebastian Darke: Prince of Pirates by Philip Caveney

Book: Sebastian Darke: Prince of Pirates by Philip Caveney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Philip Caveney
turned, and Sebastian was shocked to see that the captain was a young woman, dressed in the frock coat and breeches of a man. Though a tangle of long red curls spilled out from beneath her hat and over her shoulders, she had an evil-looking cutlass strapped around her slender waist, and the confident look in her deep-brown eyes announced to the world that she was not to be underestimated. She studied the two of them for a moment and then smiled.
'Come, sit at the table, gentlemen,' she said. 'We'll have a drink together and see if we can come to some arrangement.'



Sebastian found a seat beside the captain and Cornelius was able to locate a high stool which, when customized by the addition of several cushions, brought him up to the level of the other drinkers. Sebastian settled himself in his chair and then allowed himself a quick glance around the table.
The crew of the Sea Witch were a fearsome-looking bunch and no mistake; and they were all regarding him with flat, unflinching gazes, as though challenging his very right to be sitting at this table. Sebastian had never seen such a collection of strangely shaped noses, rotten teeth and missing limbs in his entire life. The man who had been playing the musical instrument grinned at Sebastian, revealing teeth that were made not of shell like the landlord's, but predominantly of what looked like pure gold. He had an ancient leather patch over one eye and huge silver hoops through his earlobes.
'Welcome, lads,' he said, extending a filthy hand to shake. 'I'm Lemuel, the captain's first mate. Everyone calls me Lem.'
Sebastian took Lemuel's hand and nearly had his fingers crushed to a pulp by the man's powerful grip. He was glad to turn his attention to the captain, who was a lot better looking than Lemuel but had just as firm a grip. As he shook her hand, trying not to wince with the pain of it, Sebastian saw that she was still appraising him, a curious half-smile on her lips.
'I'm Captain Jenna Swift,' she said in a deep, slightly husky voice. 'Who do I have the pleasure of addressing?'
'Ermm . . . Sebastian Darke. I'm—'
'– former Prince of Fools and jester to the court of King Septimus of Keladon,' finished Cornelius. Sebastian glanced at him, surprised.
'A jester, eh?' Jenna seemed pleased to hear this news. 'We could do with a few laughs around here, couldn't we, lads?' There were general yells, grunts and curses of agreement.
She looked at Sebastian thoughtfully, appraising his tattered-looking outfit. 'Where's your hat?' she asked him. 'Jesters wear special hats, do they not?'
'I'm not Prince of Fools any more,' protested Sebastian. 'I've given it all up. Now I'm . . . I'm . . .'
'Prince of Pirates!' announced Cornelius dramatically.
Jenna looked none too impressed by this. 'We're not too keen on pirates at this table,' she said coldly.
'Of course not!' said Cornelius without hesitation. 'The title

does not suggest that he is a pirate, but that he is a vanquisher of them.'
Lemuel's bristly jaw dropped several notches. 'What, him?' he growled. 'He don't look capable of vanquishing a rice pudding.'
'Ah, don't let his slender appearance deceive you,' insisted Cornelius. 'Why, this young lad has taken on the roughest, scurviest of adversaries and, by the power of his mighty sword, tossed them into the ocean like chaff. Like chaff, I say!'
There was an incredulous silence after this.
'Thanks a bundle,' muttered Sebastian, already wishing that Cornelius had kept his mouth shut. 'I thought you said we were going to keep a low profile.' He decided that the very least he could do was return the favour: 'May I in turn introduce Captain Cornelius Drummel, late of the Golmiran army, and former member of the Crimson Cloak. Killer of Brigands, hero of one thousand battles to the death, feared exponent of the Golmiran death leap and heroic slaughterer of man-eating

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