Second Skin (Skinned)

Second Skin (Skinned) by Judith Graves Page A

Book: Second Skin (Skinned) by Judith Graves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Graves
school was so undignified.
I patted her back gingerly.
“I’m so sorry about this, Paige. I wouldn’t wish those three on my worst enemy.” I paused. “Okay, maybe for a day at least, but then, gonzo. I’d give you a hug, but I have issues with personal space. And we’re not exactly close, you know?”
Paige let out a sniffling laugh. Then she snapped, “Get your paws off me.”
I jerked my hand to my side. Whoa . That was old-school Paige. I peered at my cousin’s reflection. Her mouth was open in shock. She twisted to face me.
“Oh, now I’m sorry,” she blurted. “I had no right to talk to you like that.”
I sighed. “Yes, you did.” I shook my head. “I mean, you didn’t, not really, but that’s promising. You’re still in there somewhere.”
Paige lifted an arm and smooshed her face into her sleeve. She looked about to blow her nose in there too.
I bolted for the nearest stall and handed her some toilet tissue. “Thanks,” she said. Then blew. Loudly. “I can’t go back out there. I just can’t face those girls. Why do they think I hang out
with them? I’ve never seen them before.” My jaw dropped.
“You haven’t?” My heart flipped-flopped. Oh, this was bad. “No. And I’m so thankful you were here. Really.” Paige’s
bloodshot blue eyes met mine. “What’s your name, anyway?”
I gave a long, pained groan that bounced against the walls.
This was NOT happening.
“I’m Eryn. I’m your cousin, and as soon as I get some information I promised to nab, we’re going to Kate’s to fix you once and for all.”
“Is that a good thing?”
I slung my backpack higher up on my shoulder. “It’s a very good thing.”
“’Cause you don’t sound like it’s a good thing. And I’m feeling really weird right now.”
I grabbed Paige’s arm. “You’re fine. I’m fine. We’re all fine. Now, let’s get to the library.”
Paige’s eyes widened. “Oh, I don’t think I’ve been there before.”
For once I didn’t flinch when Paige spoke, because that wasn’t something she’d forgotten.
It was probably true.

The Rightness of Wrong
A staccato rhythm sputtered in the air, accompanied by hissing and spitting sounds that echoed in the empty hallway— Donald Duck squawking out a melody.
“Are you going to answer that?” Paige asked, wincing. “Answer what?”
“Your phone, silly. That is your cell, right? Please God, make it stop.”
I withdrew my phone from my jeans pocket, careful to grip it so that the back panel didn’t fall off. Dented, scratched, it clung to life as the squawking grew louder. I answered the call.
“Eryn, we need to talk,” Alec said in my ear, the growl in his voice sending a jolt of heat through my body.
I sucked in a breath. “Fine, I’ll see you in the cafeteria at lunch.”
“No…need…talk alone.” Static broke up Alec’s words, but I got the gist.
“Look, my phone’s about to die. I have to let you go.”
Let Alec go. Yes, that’s what I was doing, but, sweet Jesus, it hurt. I hung up wishing I could forget my noble sentiments about keeping Alec safe and just fall into his arms. But I wasn’t that girl. I didn’t quit. And I didn’t endanger those I loved.
“Come on,” I said, grabbing Paige’s arm and guiding her toward the library. “We have work to do.”
Stacks of books lay strewn across the laminate countertop and beyond the circulation desk. Shelving units crammed with hardcover volumes stood as far as the eye could see, which wasn’t that far. About twenty feet—Redgrave High’s library was this side of smallish.
Cold eyes glared at me, sending a shiver up my neck. But it wasn’t the rotten Victorian doll in the display case this time. This time I was facing…the librarian.
Her gaze skimmed over my rust-colored hoodie, dark hair in ponytails, and Alec’s cross necklace resting on top of my Metallica T-shirt before taking in Paige’s pale face and clueless expression.
“Vampire books are over on the far rack. Can’t

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