Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)

Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) by Joyce Jordan Page A

Book: Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) by Joyce Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Jordan
and all those he held dear. At least the parents had finally surrendered when they realized they were now penniless and with no friends to run to, and the threat of what they had done being publicized, they had made a hasty exit out of New York. According to Mitch, they had left the US altogether.
    Unfortunately, their son had refused to see that things had changed and that the money he had always hidden behind, wasn’t there anymore. The fool didn’t even realize that his trust fund had been gambled away by his parents who should have been the ones to protect it. It was disgusting how some parents gambled away their children’s inheritances all with the intention of correcting some business gone wrong with the misguided guarantee that things would work out and they could return the funds before anyone was any the wiser.
    Nate couldn’t stand being in his office anymore. He needed to get out. Maybe he could go and see how Ana was doing. Her home office had finally been finished by Manuel and his crew and so was ready for move in. She and Tom were moving all her equipment from her old apartment to the new office beside Gabe’s penthouse. It was a little two bedroom apartment that had been redone to reflect a proper office. He had been amazed after the final reveal by Manuel yesterday.
    “To what do we owe the pleasure, Nate?” Ana looked up when the door opened and was surprised to see Nate being led inside.
    Nate looked around. It was chaos. All he could see were machines with a million power cables. He looked from Ana, to Tom, to her bodyguards and then to the chaos.
    “Organized chaos. We’ll be done in no time,” she replied his unasked question.
    He smirked. “Whatever you say, honey.” He thought he had problems. Ana was delusional. How would anyone remember which one went where? He suddenly felt better about the whole Jes issue.
    She laughed. She had the indecency to laugh. Out loud too. Nate wondered if all women were against him or what? Was this some twisted turn of fate to punish him against his sins against all womenkind?
    “You want to wager, Nate?” She smiled at him as she turned to Tom. “Tom, tell me, what would you like? Huh? I have a conference coming up that I’ll need to attend. How about Nate agrees to let you attend and pays for your portion of the trip out of his personal account?”
    “Seriously Ana? You’re not shitting me or something?”
    “No, I’m not,” she said. “Just watch your language, especially around our good boss here. So what do you say Nate?”
    He laughed. “And what do I get? When I win that is?” This was turning out to be a good day after all. He needed this time away from thoughts of Jes. Ana and Tom had just provided him some entertainment.
    “Name your price? We wouldn’t want to be accused of being unfair to the elderly, would we Tom?”
    Being the kid he still was, Tom couldn’t help but roar with laughter. His voice was changing from a kid’s to a man’s voice. Nate couldn’t hold that against him. His lips twitched but he refused to laugh. Ana was definitely baiting him. He wondered if Gabe knew how to control this woman. She had certainly led his brother on some merry go round. For a while his brother had been insane, during the break up and when she had lay in hospital almost on her death bed.
    “I’m a reasonable man. I won’t ask for much. I know how busy you will be over the next few months,” he said.
    “Okay. Big guy. Spit it out.”
    He heard the sniffles of laughter coming from the teenager, and his lips twitch ed again.
    “Private lessons,” he said. “A couple hours a week, until I’m good and ready.”
    “What private lessons? Cooking, perhaps?”
    Tom couldn’t contain his glee. Nate couldn’t wait until he won and taught these two kids, lessons in humility.
    The laughter stopped. Instantly. The silence was a welcome relief. Nate took a seat and sat silently. It was like Christmas morning, waiting to open

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