Seeds of Desire

Seeds of Desire by Karenna Colcroft Page B

Book: Seeds of Desire by Karenna Colcroft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karenna Colcroft
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
liked them, didn’t
    “Yep,” he replied cheerfully. “That or chased them around
the playground until they tripped and fell. None of them ever ended up slicing
their heads open on shovels, though.”
    “You weren’t chasing me,” she reminded him.
    “Yeah. That must be where I went wrong.” He rinsed the cloth
he’d been using and took the other one out of the bucket. “I may have used too
much shampoo, damn it. And your shirt’s soaked.”
    “It doesn’t matter. Are you done yet?” She’d grown fidgety.
Sitting still had never been one of her favorite things, and if she didn’t move
from this chair soon, she would scream. And her neck had become sore from
trying to hold still so no water or shampoo ended up in her face or on her bandage.
    Some of the fidgeting probably had to do with the
conversation. Now that Jared had admitted having feelings for her, she didn’t
know what to do.
    “Almost.” He ran the second washcloth over her hair in
several wide lines, followed by his hand. “That takes care of most of it, I
think.” He rinsed out the cloth. “I don’t know if I can rinse all of it. I’m
sorry. I should have just left well enough alone and let you wash it when you
got home and had plastic to put over your bandage.”
    “I probably wouldn’t have been able to do the plastic,” she
replied. “I’m not all that coordinated, in case my tumble at the site didn’t
give you that idea. Besides, how would I cover part of my head?” She sighed.
“Remind me to avoid head injuries in the future. I prefer being clean.”
    “You’re very graceful except when someone leaves a pile of
dirt in your path,” he said gallantly. “At least I think that’s what you
tripped over.”
    He ran his hand through her hair. Cassidy shuddered and a
tiny tingle began between her legs. Oh god, having her hair washed couldn’t
turn her on. Especially when Jared Jackson was the one washing it.
    Jared Jackson, who apparently had wanted her since the day
they’d met. Who had completely turned her opinion of him on its ear by
admitting his feelings. Who was bringing her to the boiling point just by
touching her hair. God, she wanted him to touch other places. Even hearing him
jerking off, knowing she was on his mind, hadn’t turned her on this much.
    She wanted his cock inside her again. This time, they wouldn’t
only be fucking, and that would make it even better. Her clit pulsed and she
became even wetter. Her nipples stiffened, though she could pretend that was
because of her soaked shirt.
    Her body definitely responded to his touch. The ache between
her legs demanded that she fuck him. Hard and fast or slow and sweet, it didn’t
    Crap. “Yeah, I’m about as graceful as an elephant
doing ballet.” She tried to force her mind back where it belonged, which
definitely wasn’t on the image of Jared with his clothes off.
    “Right,” he said. “Any woman who can walk in two-inch spike
heels without stumbling is graceful as far as I’m concerned.” He came around
the chair again and appraised her. “Okay, I’ve de-shampooed you as much as I
can without wetting the bandage.” He handed her the towel. “Be careful drying
off so you don’t hit the cut. I’m going to dump this out.” He went back to the
    With Jared out of the room for a moment, Cassidy managed to
bring her breathing back to normal. The rest of her body did not follow suit.
Okay, so maybe Jared wasn’t as much of a jerk as she’d thought. That didn’t
mean she should consider going to bed with him.
    The little shivers running through her were just a side
effect of the hair-washing, not an actual thought. That was what she intended
to believe, anyway.
    He came out of the bathroom with his shirt off. Cassidy
barely managed to show no reaction, even though she had to force her gaze away
from his chest. Her hands itched to run over his bare skin.
    “Tried to dump out the water too fast,” he explained.

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