Sinful Pleasures
of woman I could spend the rest of my life with.”
    “Me, too, and that scares the hell out of me.” Morgan took a long swig of beer, nearly draining the bottle. “Can we do this, Dal? Can we share this woman and make it work?”
turned the amber bottle up, drinking it dry. “I’m willing to try. It never meant anything before, but it does now. I don’t want to lose her.” He grinned, looking back over the field of flowers. “It turned me on watching her swallow your dick. She did it like a pro. I kept watching her throat take you a little deeper with each gulp, and I thought I was going to come again. Damn, but she looked fine.”
    “It turned me on watching you pump that cute little pussy of hers. How does she feel?”
    “Hot. Hot and tight.”
reached down to extract another beer from the cooler he’d put between them. “I can’t wait till we both…”
    “Yeah, me, either.”
    “Seems to me that we need to convince her this is the real thing. Not some kind of kinky fantasy we’re going to get tired of in a few months.” Dallas tugged his cowboy hat lower, shading his eyes from the intensity of the setting sun. “Do you think she’ll believe us?”
    Morgan nodded, squinting out from under the brim of his hat as he watched the dying sun spill its golden-red blood across a purple sky. “We need to bring Jude out here to the ranch. Look at this, it’s paradise.”
    * * * *
    “She would love it. At least I think she would.”
said.   He twisted the top off another bottle. Dallas could feel a slow buzz working pleasantly through his veins. He seldom let himself get too drunk to drive, but tonight would be an exception. He wanted to relax and relive the time they had spent with Jude. He had no intentions of leaving the ranch until tomorrow.
    Once Morgan left for his own place,
planned to get a few hours of sleep. The two fires they fought and making love to Jude had left him pleasantly exhausted.
    Out of the blue he thought of Tina and wondered where they went wrong. After living together three years it was like they woke up one morning to find themselves little more than strangers. He remembered the tears of regret at the time, along with the relief they both felt at their parting. He’d helped her move to
, and for a while they kept in touch. Over the years their communication dwindled away to an occasional phone call around the holidays. Tina married an ad executive, had a little boy, and now she had another child on the way.
hoped she was happy, because after making love with Jude tonight, he finally felt he knew what he wanted in his life.

    Chapter Six
    Jude answered her cell phone with a smile when she saw the incoming number was
’s phone. A flutter of excitement settled in her stomach and refused to go away.
    “Got any plans tonight?” Dallas asked.
    “Not unless you want to resume my studies,” Jude hinted. Since her first lesson, she could think of nothing else. Morgan and Dallas seemed to be the only thing she could focus on. When the shop was empty, she found herself going upstairs to study the toys, wondering which one they would pick next. She constantly relived the taste and feel of them and the way her body responded like it never had before. She felt safe in their arms. Jude trusted them with her heart and her body.
chuckled. “We’ll be doing that real soon, babe,” he assured her. “But tonight we thought you might like to go to the carnival with us. We could walk downtown, check out the action, and maybe go to a movie if you’d like.”
    Jude didn’t have to think about it. “I’d love to,” she responded. “I can be ready in fifteen minutes. Give me time to close shop and empty the register.”
    Slipping the cell phone back in her pocket, Jude hurried to finish her nightly chores. She had just flipped on the upstairs security system when Dallas and Morgan came through the front

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