Sinner: Devil's Sons MC

Sinner: Devil's Sons MC by Kathryn Thomas

Book: Sinner: Devil's Sons MC by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
    "And, that will be the end of that. I'll politely explain how I've suddenly changed my mind about our courtship. He'll disappear into the annals of history like all the other men my parents have tried to get me to settle down with."
    "I need to ask you something important, and I don't want you to be coy with me. I need an honest response."
    "Why so serious? What is it?" She leaned forward on her chair, letting him know he had her full attention.
    "Where do you see our relationship going?"
    A still silence descended, heavy with the weight of the question. She didn't know how to answer that. If she was honest, she would have to say that she didn't see them going anywhere. Eventually, her little dating games with men like Jabar would have to end. She would have to pick someone, and that someone couldn't be a man like Sam. If she was even more sincere, she would say that she saw them forging ahead together and seeing what life threw at them next. There was no way of knowing.
    "I care about you, Sam. A lot."
    "That isn't an answer."
    She swallowed and shook her head, and her eyes met his. "It's the only answer I can give you that has no caveats and no escape clauses. I think you knew what this was when you entered into it."
    He held his comment. It was true. He couldn't deny that she had always made it clear that what her family expected of her would ultimately be the route she took.  He had things in his own life holding him back from being able to fully commit, but he had wondered. It was worth asking.
    "For what it's worth, there's no one else in my life but you. You never have to wonder if I'm dividing my time between you and another woman because I'm not. And, I care about you too, Afia. The same way. Just so you know...Anyway, let me show you to your room. I can get your bags out of the satchel on my bike and help you get settled in. It's fairly late."
    Afia pouted. "I thought we were about to engage in witty banter and engaging conversation."
    His laughter rumbled up from within, and he launched himself from the sofa to lead her up the stairs to his guest room.  "We have three days for that. Three days we totally, completely need to fill from sunup to sundown with only witty banter and engaging conversation."
    Saturday morning dawned bright and early at Sam's. Afia was awakened by the happy humming of her boyfriend taking a shower in the other room, the one directly next to hers...his bedroom. She flushed as dreams from the night before flashed to mind. Her scandalous mind was throwing everything at her in her weakest hour. She suppressed a squeal of excitement. She was waking up in his guest room in his house. She couldn't believe herself.
    Afia kicked off her covers and forced her body to get out of the super comfy bed before she got too attached. She'd have to ask him where he got his mattress. Her stomach grumbled for breakfast, and she pulled a terry cloth robe over her silk pajama pants. Her pedicured feet slipped into house slippers, and Afia padded softly down the stairs to see what she could find in his kitchen. 
    By the time Sam made it out of the shower and followed his nose, he found her cooking fluffy buttermilk pancakes and scrambled eggs. He had thoughtfully purchased turkey bacon the day before. Thin strips sent a hickory smoke and maple sweet smell into the air. He inhaled sharply, wondering what he had done to get such treatment.
    "Oh, don't spoil me," he groaned in pleasure. He leaned over the countertop and grinned, watching her work.
    "I consider it common courtesy. Your hospitality deserves payment in kind, in my opinion."
    "They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
    "I've heard otherwise," she replied, biting her bottom lip and smiling.
    Sam spun away from the countertop and grabbed plates from the kitchen cabinet, avoiding her innuendo. She sizzled, and it had nothing to do with what was on

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