Siren Slave

Siren Slave by Aurora Styles

Book: Siren Slave by Aurora Styles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aurora Styles
Tags: Erotic Romance
recognize me, so I am safer there than in my gardens or even in my room. I didn’t know you had arrived today, General Pompey. It’s a relief to know you are now here to protect me with all the power of Rome.”
    No, she was definitely not Swan if she spoke the truth.
    “But that’s what I was trying to find out today, and then came the call.” She mimicked a low voice, cupping her hands around her mouth. “‘Freeeeya.’ So, if any Druids were nearby, they were going to know exactly where I was, especially when Odilia grabbed at me. Odilia has this habit about talking a lot about her opinions of people. I’m sure you’ve heard her opinion of me already? That I’m infatuated with Siegfried the Fox?” Freya raised both her brows at the general. She seemed careful to avoid looking at Siegfried.
    “Yes.” Pompey motioned for her to continue, his rings twinkling in the firelight.
    “While I was enjoying the grurple shade of her face, I also knew if I could make her think that I supported Siegfried that would definitely get around. Maybe my enemies would talk a little more freely around me. Like you and Odilia said, anyone could be a rebel.” She looked around the chamber, as if one might be hiding in the furs. When her gaze fell on Siegfried, she blushed and looked back at Pompey. “Maybe then the assassins would stop trying to kill me, if they thought I supported their master. I don’t like knives, at least not when they’re aimed at me. They are handy for cutting things though. Like food, not me.”
    “What did you find out?” Pompey asked, still not seeming to make the connection between Freya and Swan. The fact that Freya had even given the name “Swan” to the general in the marketplace told Siegfried how foolish she was.
    “I don’t want you to arrest those people,” Freya said. “I need to rework my disguise now, because Odilia gave me away. I’m not done questioning Siegfried’s supporters yet. If the people I was questioning were aware of what I was doing, then no one would ever talk to me. They’re not going to tell you what they tell me. The helmet is pretty recognizable.”
    “Just give me your information.”
    Yes, give Pompey your information. You use the name Swan so they’ll think you’re the Swan.
    “It’s spotty, at best. I’m trying to piece it together. From what I’ve gathered, Siegfried has this whole plan to have me and my betrothed poisoned at the wedding feast. Reliable sources informed me that he’s been asking questions about fast-acting poisons. He always does have another plan in case the first one doesn’t work. The knife-fetishists are obviously the first plan. Since that hasn’t worked yet, all he has to do is poison the drink, and I’ll be done for. There has been some talk of him stealing large amounts of wine for some sort of festival. My wedding coincides with a quarter moon, which probably means some sort of Druid celebration. Aren’t they always doing something with moon phases? I think he’s going to let the Druids sacrifice me and Etainen to whatever gods the Druids worship. I think it’s a fish one, because I heard something about large quantities of cod aboard the River Queen. ”
    Where in the hell was she getting this information? She looked like she sincerely believed it. Druids, human sacrifices, poisoned drink? Cod? So, Siegfried’s supporters were feeding her misinformation. It was looking more and more like her loyalties were to Rome.
    “Anything else, Freya?” Pompey asked. “We’ll have Roman wine at your wedding feast, wine that’s not been opened.”
    She sighed with relief. “Good. I hate to see good drink abused like that. Personally, ale-head the next morning is toxic enough without adding poison to it. Oh, and one other thing about Siegfried. Dry, red wine from Trier is his favorite, so he probably won’t poison that. In fact, he’ll probably steal it, so we should keep an extra watch on it if we have any.”
    That much was

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