Six Months To Love: Charlotte's Redemption

Six Months To Love: Charlotte's Redemption by Christina Leija

Book: Six Months To Love: Charlotte's Redemption by Christina Leija Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Leija
justice that just once she could go a moment with peace and not stress. The betrayal of John hit her again their sight.
    John’s father stopped with as shocked of a look as Charlotte had had at the sight of Mr. Black.  “My God, old man, what are you doing here?”
    “Who are you calling old, Ranger?” Charlotte could tell that the two were either old friends or enemies, she couldn’t tell which but they knew each other well.
    “What are you doing here Black? Slumming?” Charlotte didn’t miss the intent and slap at her that Mr. Ranger took. Her ex-husband smirked at his lawyer’s poke at her.
    “I am here with my client, to do my job as I was retained to do, so I suggest, old friend that you be on your A game because I have no time for bullshit today.” The look on Mr. Rangers face was more than shocked.
    “You’re really here to defend her? Surely, your joking Black. She can’t afford you and besides this is a conflict of interest as we use to be partners and two members of the same firm cannot defended opposing clients, I can have you removed Black.”
    “Always quick to judge and still not fresh on your law or common sense I see, nothing has changed Ranger. For one we are no longer partners, I kicked your sorry ass to the curb almost 10 years ago and that being said we are well past the grace period in the eyes of the city of New York. Now if you will excuse me, my client and I have work to be done and I am sure now you have more.” Charlotte didn’t miss the demand and strength in Mr. Black that even Mr. Ranger didn’t challenge. He simply collected himself in haste and rushed back to his client. Charlotte was proud, to say the least, and her attorney gave her confidence that was for sure.
    “Now, is there anything you need to tell me Ms. Jackson?”
    Charlotte was about to confide in her new angel when the sheriff strode in and called court to order. “The honorable Judge Jack Stanton presiding please rise.”
    Charlotte rose along with her attorney. “Be seated, please.”
    Charlotte let the formalities pass without a second thought until the judge snapped her out of her gaze. “Why Black, I didn’t know you were still practicing, what is the world are you doing Old man.”
    “Why is everyone pointing out that I’m old today?” Mr. Black had mumbled under his breath so quiet that Charlotte was sure she was the only one who heard it.
    “Sir, I am, but only on special occasions, gotta keep busy to stay young, Your Honor.” No one in the court room missed the respectful correction Mr. Black made on his age.
    The judge charged the courtroom with the challenge that Alex was making on Charlottes custody and inquired to as why the two year change rule was being challenged and what such an urgency to interrupt his courtroom was.  Charlotte was happy with the way thing were going, the judge seemed irritated with Alex. Maybe Alex didn’t know her secret after all? Charlotte could only hope.
    Alex received a text and attempted to discreetly read it. He leaned over to whisper something to his attorney who immediately stood to demand, not ask, for a recess.
    “Your Honor, I need a recess, our witness just arrived.” Demands obviously were not something to make in this courtroom. Charlotte made a mental note of that information immediately.
    “For one you will not demand anything my court and you’ll do well to remember that next time Mr. Ranger.” 
    “Yes, Your Honor, my apologies.”
    “As long as the defense has no objections I can offer a 10 min recess, but please make it a quick 10 minutes.”
    Once Alex and his douche-bag attorney left the courtroom, Charlotte felt a bit of relief. Who was there witness and why was he or she so important?
    Charlotte consulted with her attorney on what would happen next, so far he was sure that Alex had no claim that can prove her unfit to raise they young son. Yes she was single but many single parents raised their children sufficient enough per Mr.

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