Size Matters
    Lucien glanced at his watch and hurried through the rain. There were twenty minutes left in Guy Wilks’ book signing and if he didn’t hurry, he was going to miss it. Lucien had to admit, he was less interested in the actual signature and more interested in having a moment of time with his favorite horror novelist. A chance to connect. It wasn’t the kind of thing he usually indulged in, but there was something about Wilks’ prose that drew him. There was a hint of eroticism, a breath of the things that really scared him.
    He arrived at the bookstore with ten minutes to spare and got into line. There were only a half-dozen people still waiting ahead of him, which was cool. He could see Wilks, the man younger than he’d imagined, fresh faced, lovely. His cock twitched and he ignored it. Not here, not now. It would be bad form to freak out the talent.
    There was one guy in front of Lucien when there was an announcement over the PA that the bookstore was closed to new customers. And nobody behind him, excellent. Looked like he’d timed this even better than he’d thought.
    “One left, Guy,” murmured the lady next to Wilks.
    “Thank you, Allison.”
    Lucien got a grin, or the space above his shoulder did. Oh wow. Guy Wilks was blind.
    Lucien recovered from his surprise quickly. “Hey, man. I love your books. Seriously.”
    “Thank you. I love to hear that. Who do I sign to?”
    “Lucien.” He put his book in Guy’s hand, fascinated—how was Guy going to sign the book when he couldn’t see?
    “Great name. En or an?” Guy opened the cover, found the title page, and put his right hand on the top and the edge.
    “En. And thank you.” Lucien glanced behind him again. “Looks like I’m your last fan.”
    “I appreciate that you waited.”
    Guy carefully printed out ‘thank you’, ‘Lucien’ and ‘Guy’.
    Some strange impulse prompted Lucien to add, “I should probably let you know that I only showed up ten minutes or so ago. In the spirit of full disclosure.”
    “Honest. I like it.” The book was closed and pushed over.
    “Thanks. It is the best policy, isn’t it?” Oh, God, that was super lame. Lucien didn’t know what was wrong with him. Could he salvage this? “I bet you could use a coffee.”
    “You know it.”
    The lady Guy had called Allison was packing things up. “We can stop at Starbucks on the way home, boss, but I have to get home to the kids.”
    Lucien cleared his throat. “If I’m not being too forward, I’d be happy to take you to the coffee shop across the road.”
    “I’m sorry. I don’t… There’s no way for me to get home from here without help. Thanks for the offer, though.”
    “I could drive you home, but I get why you wouldn’t want to. You don’t know me from Adam. Maybe we could have coffee some other time?” Lucien wasn’t entirely sure why he was pushing this, but there was something about Wilks.
    “Maybe. Maybe somewhere I’m comfortable.”
    “Can I give you my card?” Lucien suggested.
    “Absolutely. Allison?”
    Lucien handed his card over to Guy’s assistant. “It really was a pleasure to meet you.”
    “Thanks, man. Have a great evening.” Guy grabbed the harness of a service dog, a beautiful golden retriever, that Lucien hadn’t even noticed until now.
    “Yeah, you too.” He watched Guy walk away, admiring the sweet ass.
    Imagine that. Guy Wilks was an amazing writer, blind and a hottie. How fucking fascinating was that?
    Lucien hoped Guy called him. He honestly did.

Chapter One
    Trey took his guide dog Happy out, heading to the coffee shop at the corner. It was quiet there, especially late at night, and he knew Sarah and Anthony, the owners, would make sure he was taken care of. It was the one place he felt comfortable going on his own, thanks to them.
    “Hey, Trey!” Sarah called out as he hit the door. “How’s it going?”
    “Good. Good. Caramel latte, love?”
    “You got it. We’ve got a

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