Skin Deep

Skin Deep by Cher Carson Page B

Book: Skin Deep by Cher Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cher Carson
    She looked at the clunky watch on her slim wrist. “Wow, we’re here already. I must have been tired. I slept the whole way.” She looked at him, smiling smugly. “Well, almost the whole way.”
    “Look at me like that again and I’m not going to be responsible for my actions.”
    She laughed, pushing the blanket off her legs. “You wouldn’t do that under my mother’s watchful eye.”
    “Don’t be so sure.” At this point, he was liable to do anything.
    Her long blonde hair was sleep tousled, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes glazed. She looked like she’d been well-loved, but he hadn’t even gotten started yet. He had seven days to make up for three months of lost time, and that meant he would take her anywhere and everywhere the opportunity presented itself.
    “You know you’re sharing my suite, don’t you?” he asked, sucking her earlobe into his mouth.
    “But my parents will want to know what’s going on between us.”
    “Then tell them to ask me. I’d be more than happy to fill them in.”
    She turned in her seat, facing him. “What would you tell them?”
    He had the words to express himself but lacked the courage. Things were still so tenuous between them. She appeared willing to let him satisfy her needs, but she wasn’t open to pursuing a relationship with him yet. He was confident that she would feel differently by the end of the week. “That we’re both consenting adults capable of making our own decisions.”
    She laughed. “Can I be there when you say that to my mother? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone put her in her place before.”
    “I have no intention of disrespecting your mother, sweetheart,” he said, kissing her gently. “In fact, I intend to win her over while we’re here.”
    He wouldn’t tell her it was because he intended to forge a relationship with his future in-laws while they were here. The truth might prompt her to bolt. “Let’s just say it’s easier to make friends than enemies.”
    “Ha! Have you met my mother?”
    “Ssh,” Ryan said when Mrs. Miller turned around. “Keep in mind this is your brother’s wedding. Let’s try and keep things civil for his sake.”
    She giggled loudly enough to draw the attention of the passengers across the aisle. “You’re really taking your duties as best man seriously, aren’t you?”
    “I want to make something clear, Alana. I accepted your brother’s offer because I genuinely like and respect him. I consider him a friend, and I was honored that he asked me to be a part of this.”
    She reached up to stroke his cheek, smiling. “That’s sweet. I’m glad you feel that way. I have to admit, I wondered whether you might have had an ulterior motive coming here.”
    “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious to see you again, but I wouldn’t use this opportunity to make inroads with you.”
    She plucked an invisible piece of lint off her cotton pants. “Can I ask you something?”
    “Sure, anything.”
    The pilot interrupted them, taking a moment to tell them the local time and weather conditions.
    “You were saying?”
    She pulled the hoodie she’d slipped on at the start of the flight tighter around her mid-section. “Why didn’t you ever call?”
    He was tempted to pick up the phone every day for the past three months, but he refused to come back to her until he could claim he was a better man than the one she’d kicked out of her apartment that night. “You told me not to. I was trying to respect your wishes.”
    “Hmm,” she said, tightening her seatbelt. “Good to know.”
    “Honey, I’m not saying it was easy. Staying away from you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” Sighing, he took her hand. “You were right when you told me to keep my distance. I didn’t deserve you. I’m still not sure I do, if you want to know the truth.”
    She pulled her hand away, settling it in her lap. “Does that mean you lied to me earlier? Have you been with other women the

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