Skinny Bitch

Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman Page A

Book: Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rory Freedman
Tags: General, Health & Fitness
they dictate all things meat and dairy, the USDA even sticks its big nose into our organic products, too. In April 2004, the USDA made sweeping changes to their National Organic Program (NOP) standards. The new rules infuriated organic farmers and consumers because: Livestock were allowed to eat non-organic fishmeal, even if it contained toxins or synthetic preservatives; cows and calves given growth hormones, antibiotics, or other drugs could still provide the public with “organic” milk, as long as a year had passed since the drugs were administered; pesticides could be used even if they contained unknown inert ingredients as long as a “reasonable effort” had been made to identify them; and seafood, pet food, clothing, fertilizers, and body care products could be labeled organic without being monitored by the USDA.183 Not only were people livid with the actual changes, but also with the decision-making process. By law, these types of regu-latory changes are required to undergo a period of public comment before being enacted. There was no comment period, just an announcement of changes after the fact.184
    According to Ronnie Cummins, national director of Organic Consumers Association (OCA), “Rather than comply with regulations which uphold the integrity of organic food, corporate-run factory farms, who want a piece of the $11 billion a year organic industry, are manipulating the USDA and Congress to change the rules to suit their toxic-industrial style of farming. Allowing non-organic, and potentially genetically engineered feed to be included under the definition of “organic” is a major setback for the integrity of what is the fastest-growing sector of the food industry in this country.”185 Thanks to the phone calls, letters, e-mails, and faxes of many pissed off consumers, the USDA reversed all these changes in May 2004.186
    Even so, many people are still mistrustful of the USDA.
    Nonprofit group, The Center for Food Safety (CFS), claims that the USDA may be allowing “sham” certifiers under the umbrella of the National Organic Program (NOP). Their suspicions were aroused by the high volume of certifications issued within a short time. These worries were heightened when the USDA refused to provide CFS with requested documents, even though they were required to do so under the Freedom of Information Act.187
    Other environmental groups along with the OCA have joined a lawsuit against the USDA. Among their complaints was the fact that the USDA’s NOP created an additional category of certified products, which directly opposes legislation put in place by Congress. They state, “When Congress has spoken clearly on a subject, USDA has no discretion to rewrite the statute making exceptions that dilute the standards of the Act.”188 Can you believe the nerve of these USDA fuckers? Going against laws created by our elected officials and making up their own rules? It’s fucking mutiny, is what it is. Trust no one.
    When buying organic foods, look for certification from anyone other than the USDA. Oregon Tilth, California Certified Organic Farmers, Marin Organic Certifying Agency, and Demeter Certified Biodynamic are all reputable. Sometimes a product will be certified organic by the USDA and another party. So don’t rule it out just because the USDA certifies it.
    Surely you’ve seen the “organic” Horizon brand of dairy products in your grocery store? It is the nation’s largest supplier of organic dairy products. Well, it just so happens that Horizon has been accused of violating organic standards. The Cornucopia Institute, a watchdog group in support of organic agriculture, filed two complaints with the USDA. They allege that two major farms that supply Horizon with milk are confining cows in an industrial setting and denying them access to pasture, yet are still calling their products organic.189
    Why is all this allowed to happen? Don’t our elected officials know what’s going on? Why don’t

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