Sleeping Beauties

Sleeping Beauties by Tamela Miles

Book: Sleeping Beauties by Tamela Miles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamela Miles
Sleeping Beauties
    By Tamela Miles
    Sleeping Beauties
    Copyright: Tamela Miles
    ©Tamela D. Miles 2013
    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.
    This book is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase additional copies for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.
    Cover design by Robin Ludwig Design Inc.
    For my family, friends, and all of those who still believe that it’s beautiful to give your whole heart when you love.
    The Trifecta
    “It was so small. I couldn’t feel a thing,” Nicola complained, grinning before taking a sip of her fruity wine cooler. Nicola Macias was not the type of woman a man would want to disappoint in bed because she was very, very vocal about it the next day. She, like the other two attractive women seated in her den, was forty-two and knew exactly what she wanted from men and from life.
    “He failed the grope test, remember?” Chloe pointed out in her matter-of-fact way from her position on the far end of the plush sofa. “You said he didn’t feel like he was, um, well-endowed. You had to know this guy would be a let-down.” She nodded to emphasize her point, moving aside a few errant strands of dark brown hair that had escaped her casual top-knot.
    “I hope you used protection. You know you lay down with dogs, you get up with crabs and all that,” Laurie remarked dryly. Chloe and Nicola both broke out in giggles and Laurie cracked a smile at her two oldest friends.
    For over twenty years, they had been known as the Trifecta.
    Where one went, the other two were bound to be close behind. Chloe Arden, Laurie Halvorsen, and Nicola Macias were all in their early forties, beautiful, and, if not exactly wealthy, were well-off. Chloe worked at the local hospital as a child development behavior consultant and Laurie also worked there as a nurse. Nicola was a clothing buyer for a large, national department store. They were life-long residents of Caddo, a small northern California town, except for the few years they had all spent living in L.A., attending the California State university.
    “Wouldn’t dare go without protection,” Nicola said airily. “Do you even have a need for condoms and such? Is there still a drought over there?”
    “It’s been awhile,” Chloe admitted. “My relationship is still pretty new.”
    Laurie simply kept her mouth shut, neither confirming or denying.  
    Chloe was petite and curvy with long dark hair and olive skin while Nicola and Laurie enjoyed life from higher up, both tall and slim. Laurie was the blonde of the group because every trifecta needs a beautiful blonde. They would all gladly admit that time had been kind to them, though Chloe found the new roundness to her curves a little disturbing.
    The Trifecta had never been the cheerleading type in high school, preferring to stick to the drama club and the school library. The library was where their fascination with sleep began.
    “Ladies, do we dare dream together tonight?” Nicola asked.
    “It’s always a good night to enter the dream realm,” Chloe said, taking a sip of her wine
    cooler. “Laurie?”
    Laurie clapped her hands together in excitement. “It’s decided, then.” She needed this tonight. They hadn’t been dreaming together in weeks because they each had so much going on in their busy lives and she was missing the

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