Snake Charmer (Diamondbacks Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Snake Charmer (Diamondbacks Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Evelyn Glass

Book: Snake Charmer (Diamondbacks Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
    Eve surrendered wholly to him, not even attempting to resist. Why would she? He was everything she wanted. She let him strip her and watched as he stripped naked for her. Lind Addams was a thing of beauty. Eve lost herself in his kisses and his touch, and she gave back just as much as he gave her.
    They made love slowly this time, taking their time to fully savor each other. The urgency was still there, underneath it all. It always would be, because they would always long for each other. But it was tender this time. It was languid and sensual. Eve allowed Lind to transport her to another world. She let him maker her his, claim her like she had never been claimed before. She savored every sensation brought on by his touch, and she savored the feeling of his body pressed up close against her.
    They took it slow this time, because they knew they could afford to. They were never allowing anything or anyone to come between them again. As for their different worlds, they would find a way to have them meet somewhere in the middle. No matter what it cost, Eve was never going to let this man out of her life ever again. She’d had her closure, but she was never going back to that glittery life that made her so miserable. From now on, she would embrace Lind’s darkness.

    The last time Lind had been sitting in this café, he had been miserable. Alec had been sitting across from him, telling him that he should really snap out of it and get Eve out of his head. Now it was Eve who sat across from him, sipping vanilla latte from a huge mug.
    Lind knew all about overwhelming, all-consuming feelings, but they were generally dark ones, rough emotions like anger and pain and hatred. He knew nothing about how good feelings could also be overwhelming. He knew nothing of the bubbling joy of simply spending time with a woman whom he was in love with. He was learning about it now.
    Back when he was nursing his broken heart—or rather, attempting to drown it in alcohol—Lind had dreamed about ordinary. He had dreamed about doing something absolutely meaningless with Eve, like hanging out drinking coffee. He had dreamed of an everyday life. They were shaping it now, slowly but surely, and they were doing it together.
    Togetherness was also something Lind wasn’t familiar with. He was used to counting on himself and himself only. He had never had a relationship to speak of. Sexual relationships, sure. Emotional relationships? Not so much. But he was learning that, too, and he was really enjoying this learning curve.
    Eve, he learned, wasn’t that much more experienced than him when it came to sharing herself on an emotional level. She had spent her life guarding herself against others, too, in a different way than he had. The result was that they were both learning, and he liked that they were both out of their element and finding their swimming fins together.
    “What should we bring tonight?” Eve asked suddenly.
    Lind looked at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”
    “To your friend’s house. What should we bring? Do they drink wine?”
    Lind shrugged. “I guess. But you really don’t have to bring anything, you know?”
    “I want to,” Eve said. “It’s only polite.”
    Lind grinned. “Whatever you say, princess,” he teased.
    “Jerk,” she said, punching his arm playfully and instantly leaning over to sweeten the blow with a kiss.
    Lind kissed her back as passionately as it was decent to do in a public place, and then he finally released her.
    “Red wine is fine,” he said as an afterthought.
    Eve nodded. “Good.”
    Lind felt a pang of nervousness at the thought of the night that awaited them. Alec was finally out of the hospital. They had their talk and he had decided—God only knew why—to forgive Lind, as had the rest of the Diamondbacks. Once Lind finally admitted to Alec and the others that he was

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