So Not a Hero

So Not a Hero by S.J. Delos

Book: So Not a Hero by S.J. Delos Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Delos
multiple video screens on one wall and a large, round table in the center. There were eight dura-steel chairs arranged around the table and the Double-G symbol of the group was embossed on the backs of the seats and on the middle of the table.
    “Welcome to the Inner Sanctum,” Phantasm said with a wave of her arm.
    “Really? That’s what you call it?”
    “No. That’s what Captain Awesome calls it. The rest of us just refer to it as the Briefing Room.”
    A door on the opposite side of the room slid open and Manpower walked in with two other members of the team: Power Brain and Omega-Girl.
    Power Brain was thin and gangly, with a greasy shock of black hair over a forehead that protruded outwards. According to the article that had appeared in last year’s People, he had an I.Q. of 410 and was also blessed with Inventive Aptitude. He was the Good Guy’s strategist and tinkerer, supposedly able to understand and create any type of mechanical construct he could imagine.
    Martin had almost the same ability, only with Enhanced biology.
    Omega-Girl was as beautiful in person as she was on the multiple magazines and posters she graced. Lithe and blonde with the body of a supermodel, she was the darling eye-candy of the group. If there was a picture to be had of the Good Guys, the camera focused on her over any other member.
    That’s not to say she didn’t have more going on than a pretty face. From past experiences, I knew that she also possessed the powers of flight, durability, and energy projection. While not as indestructible as myself, she could still take a hit or three. She was also blessed with the rare Enhancement of self-sustenance, getting all her nutrients from solar radiation. Probably helped her to look great in her uniform without having to constantly diet.
    Manpower led them over to Lexi and I. “Daniel, Darla. This is Karen Hashimoto.”
    Power Brain and I had never met and he stuck out his hand with a wide smile that showed a bit of something green stuck between two of his upper teeth. “Hi. I’m Daniel. Or you can call me Power Brain. You know, if … if you want.” His cheeks reddened a little and I gave his hand a quick shake, resisting the urge to recoil from the clamminess of his palm. “So,” he continued. “The former Crushette is going to be a Good Guy? Have you picked out a new name?”
    I blinked, caught off guard by the question. Why did everyone seem so sure that I was going to agree to join? I wasn’t even completely sure myself. “Uh, not yet.”
    He nodded, head bouncing up and down in an overly enthusiastic gesture. “Sure, sure. If you want some suggestions or need help trolling the ENCA database, just let me know.” He smiled in a way that reminded me of someone who wasn’t used to smiling to other people.
    “For God’s sake, Daniel. Stop mooning over her and go back to your lab.” Omega-Girl closed the distance between us, nearly shoving Power Brain aside. “I didn’t think Manpower was telling the truth, but damned if you aren’t really standing right here.”
    “Hello, again, Darla.” I kept my hands to my sides and actually placed them against my legs, fingers spread. I didn’t doubt that if I made a fist, there would be a fight. Rocket and I might have tangled once, but the animosity between Omega-Girl and me went back years. “You’re looking well.”
    The blonde hero crossed her arms over her chest and regarded me coolly. “How was the Max? Did you enjoy your stay?” Her voice dripped with venom.
    “Darla,” Manpower said with a warning tone. “Do I need to treat you like Robert and tell you to go cool off? Karen is a guest and potential teammate. I expect you to treat her as such.”
    “It’s okay, Greg,” I gave Darla my most insincere smile. “I don’t expect her to warm to me immediately. Getting thrown through a building is enough to sour anyone.” I finished with a round of batted eyelashes at Omega-Girl.
    She shook her head and refused to be

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