Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price

Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price by Dale Musser Page A

Book: Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price by Dale Musser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale Musser
briefing in thirty minutes.  Marranalis also advised that all three of the Federation Leaders, Rabadat Tonklin and numerous senators were inquiring about my status.
    Finally, I insisted that I needed to leave the infirmary and get back to the War Room.  Kala began to protest again, but finally relented when I agreed to let a trooper transport me back in one of the air-cushioned hover-chair devices.  Once back at the War Room, I used the convenient lavatory and clothing synthesizer in my office to clean up and – with some help from Kala, who refused to leave my side – put on a fresh uniform.
    All the while, Marranalis stood inside my office door, rattling off a summary status and updates as they came in from Plosaxen, some of which I already knew.  “Base security is now believed to be restored.  Total casualties include sixty-four Federation citizens and military personnel.  Enemy combatants numbered approximately twenty, including the body bombers and snipers, all of whom were killed, with the exception of one individual who, as of this latest report, lays unconscious and in critical condition at the base hospital.  Casualties would have numbered much higher, had it not been for Cadet Reidecor’s insistence that Commander Ircart activate the fog generators, which the base commonly uses during practice maneuvers to simulate poor visibility.  The fog somehow allowed the troopers and cadets to locate and immobilize every cloaked attacker.  All total, one hundred fifty-seven individuals are being treated at the base hospital for wounds ranging from a plastic shard from a stadium seat stuck through a man’s earlobe to severely damaged and missing limbs that resulted from the explosions.  Most of the Cantolla Gates at the Base Gate Hub are again operable, but only special military units and cleared persons are allowed passage.
    There is also a message from Commander Ircart advising that the base leadership is considering a decision to announce that the cadets who would have graduated in the ceremony are officially graduated and promoted to the rank of lieutenant, rather than go through the motions of carrying out a second ceremony.  He also wanted to report to you himself on the quick thinking and superbly executed actions on the part of Cadet Reidecor, who quickly organized several squads of cadets and led them to the nearby rifle range munitions locker, where they acquire arms and developed an on-the-spot strategy to isolate and immobilize the snipers.  Ircart said that he was impressed not only with Cadet Reidecor’s instinctive combat leadership skills, but also with the respect and cooperation shown to him by the other cadets.  He also commented that it was Trooper Luinella’s and Cadet Reidecor’s swift response at the onset of the attack that spurred the other cadets into quickly surrounding the officers on the podium, using their bodies to create a protective shield.  He says you should be immensely proud of them.
    Marranalis was just finishing his report when my wrist com beeped.
    “Tibby here.”
    “Admiral Wabussie is here to see you, sir,” replied the voice of one of Marranalis’s aides.
    “Send him in,” I said.  I glanced in the mirror and then at the clock… only fifteen minutes before I’d need to make a statement to the media.  “Marranalis, contact Leader Pheosa and update him with the information gathered thus far.  Make sure he knows the bit about the fog is classified.”
    “Yes, Admiral.  Right away.”
    Wabussie was on the other side of the door as Marranalis turned to leave.  He took one look at the giant and stepped aside, allowing Marranalis to pass before he came in.
    “Tibby, I heard you were hit, but I'm glad to see you don’t look too bad,” Wabussie said.
    “It’s all an illusion, Admiral,” said Kala before I could utter a sound. “Under his uniform are four broken ribs and a bruise the size of the Capitol Station.”
    “I’d heard it was bad,”

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