Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price

Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price by Dale Musser Page B

Book: Solbidyum Wars Saga 9: At What Price by Dale Musser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale Musser
Wabussie said in a lower tone.  “They say your heart stopped, but the cadets brought you back.  Tibby, I saw the vid clips.  I’ve got to tell you; your kids were unbelievable.  The way Lunnie threw herself across you to protect you… your body hadn’t even hit the ground before she was in motion to shield you!  And Reidecor, taking command and organizing teams of cadets the way he did…a cadet!  By the stars, man, they saved a lot of people today.  You did a good job raising those two.  You have every right to be proud of them.”
    “Yeah, I may need to take some time off and take both of them fishing as a reward,” I said, wincing with pain as I tried to sit down in the chair before my desk.  “Seriously, though, I am very proud of them.  Now, tell me what you can.  I have only twelve minutes before I go live before the news media.”
    Nearly four hours had passed since the attack and the FSO wasted no time gathering the latest intelligence from every available source.  Wabussie brought me some alarming information and, as I feared, it all pointed to Ming and a future that looked bleak.
    Before I knew it, Marranalis was at the door.  “Sir, the media conference is ready to commence.  We have a live feed prepared next door in the media conference room.”
    I looked at Wabussie.  “Looks likes it show time.  I’ll need to you to be there to answer some of the questions.”
    “Understood, sir,” he said.
    Once again, Kala helped me out of my chair.  I noticed for the first time that her own uniform was smudged and her hair was disheveled.  Dirt still stained her cheeks and I could see where tears had made their tracks through it earlier.  I gave her a gentle kiss and said, “Thank you, Kala.  I don’t know how I would make it without you.”
    Everything was set up when I reached the media room.  At one end of the room, where Wabussie and I would be standing during the conference, was a podium with the Seal of the Galactic Federation Military Forces fixed to the front.  The podium was placed in front of a panelled wall that displayed the Great Seal of the Galactic Federation.  On the opposite wall was a large vid screen that displayed ongoing media coverage of the earlier attack.  The camera that would add our images to the broadcast was mounted directly above the screen.
    I was taken aback for a moment as I watched the footage of the carnage that unfolded at the graduation ceremony.  The dignitary section where Kala and I had been sitting was replaced by a small crater.  It was hard to believe that more people weren’t killed in that explosion.  As the scenes played out, the reporter narrated the chain of events.  “The son of First Citizen Rear Admiral Tibby and First Citizen Captain Kalana had just finished a very moving speech about his reasons for joining the JAC and Commander Ircart had asked Admiral Tibby to come forward with his family and say a few words.  The Rear Admiral was about to speak, when the first explosion rocked the parade grounds.  Almost immediately, Rear Admiral Tibby was hit was by sniper fire.  In this clip you can see him taking the shot.  Notice the young trooper at his side, who responds quickly by throwing her body across him as a shield.  We have learned since the event that this young woman is the Rear Admiral’s daughter, Luinella.  We have also learned that she is the niece of First Citizen Luinella, whose selfless sacrifice helped to secure the liberation of the DUSTEN from Brotherhood insurgents more than twenty years ago.  It’s clear that patriotism and heroism run strong in this family.
    “We’re receiving word now that Rear Admiral Tibby is ready to address the public and answer questions regarding today’s violent incident.”
    The vid image changed to a split screen showing the reporter on one side, a dark-haired woman behind a news desk, and me on the other side, standing behind a podium.  I was glad for the podium, as it gave

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