Sorcerer: Betrayal: Power of Air (Book 4)

Sorcerer: Betrayal: Power of Air (Book 4) by D. L. Harrison Page A

Book: Sorcerer: Betrayal: Power of Air (Book 4) by D. L. Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. L. Harrison
a hammer most could not
survive, but a baby nonetheless.  To advance, I needed to practice, and learn
the hard stuff, the subtle things.  I imagined one day being able to create an
illusion of a person, and using air magic to make the sounds of ruffled fabric,
speech, the sound of the boots falling on the ground as they walked and talked.
    But I also wondered if my mind was even capable of so much
intricacy, controlling millions of points of light at once, in concert.  Just
the idea of it was staggering.
    It was getting late in the afternoon, and I knew Sierra
would be home soon.  I hadn’t made much progress, but I knew it would take
time.  In a way I was counting on it, it took the practice that I needed to do
anyway, and made it a lot more interesting.  I wrapped myself in the power of
air and ordered it to take me home.

Chapter 12
    Friday, June 10 th , 2016, 5:46 PM
    For the second day in a row I had a story to tell the pack. 
This time of course, about being in charge of Chicago, though in charge was
certainly an exaggeration.  Responsible for, might be a better term.  We were
sitting around the table out in the backyard, werewolves just didn’t like being
inside much.  It was Derik, Selene, Carrie, Gerald, Clint, and Sierra was in my
lap.  It seemed to be her favorite place to sit, and I had no objections at
    They took the news well, and were supportive.  Of course, it
was Gerald that pointed out the obvious.
    “You might want to keep a close eye on your human family. 
Most supernaturals won’t want to fight you for the city, but an especially
sneaky one might come at you sideways.  Demand you step down in their favor, or
harm your family.”
    It was a good thought, and I was surprised I hadn’t
considered it, especially when I had considered that it was the primary reason
and worry that made me take out the council, instead of simply leaving the city
in the first place.  It was certainly possible, but it would be hard for anyone
to pull off.  Not when I could easily locate and rescue them.  Of course, if a
friend or member of my family were dead already, that might be horrifically bad
for who did it, but in the end they’d still be dead.
    “What can I really do though to prevent that from happening,
besides deal with it quickly if it does happen I mean.”
    Selene asked, “Can you link to them?  The way you did with
Katie when the rogue pack was attacking I mean.  I understand you did the same
    She let her voice trail off, obviously not wanting to say
Diana’s name.  I had linked with her when Jaben and the rogue were hunting the
council, and she’d been pissed about it.  It’s beyond ironic the council and
her had died by my hand less than week later, when I’d gone to such lengths and
risked my life to save them just last week.  All dead besides Ceara that is.  I
shook my head trying to shake off the dark thoughts before I started to wallow
in depression.
    I frowned, unsure of the idea, “I could, but the idea makes
me feel uneasy.  In Katie’s case I had permission and she’d had full
disclosure, and we all did it with the knowledge it was very temporary.  It’s
rather an invasive thing, it would be a violation of the privacy of their minds
and lives.  Plus, for it to really do any good it would have to be for the rest
of their lives.  I’m not sure it’s the best thing.”
    Carrie tilted her head, “We could create a protection amulet
of sorts, especially if Tara helped us.  One that could alert us if they were
in danger by another supernatural, or even around one of us.  But how could we convince
them to never remove it without explaining why?”
    That was actually a good idea and I smiled.  I’d hoped my
power would alert me if they were in trouble, but I knew I really couldn’t
depend on it, not unless I was constantly watching with will behind it, which I
knew would be impossible.  My power was erratic when it came to those close to
me, and

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