Sorcerer: Witch's Woes: Power of Air (Book 3)
person she
was, I had no doubt she would go on killing and destroying others to gain
power.  There was no room for doubt, or simple human error, she was guilty.
    In a way I could say it was in defense of Tara, because this
young woman would never let it go.  If I let her live, she would one day attack
again.  I formed a blade of air, and made it quick, no need to torture her. 
She’d even still been unconscious, since that was the only mercy I could afford
to show her.
    I still felt sick inside about it, but that only meant I was
still human in my heart, and not a cold blooded killer, but my regret didn’t
mean I was wrong, or anything like the person Amber was.
    I sighed, “You ready?  We are going to a warehouse.”
    Sierra nodded, “Whenever you are, you did the right thing
Ben, these people are evil.  Killing in defense of yourself and others is not
the same as a person that kills for profit or fun, anyone who believes it is
the same… is a fool.”
    Damned werewolf noses, of course she could scent my regret. 
What was that saying?  Mercy for the guilty is treachery to the innocent
victims?  Something like that, but the point was there was no supernatural
jails, serial killers like this dark witch just needed to be stopped.  But that
didn’t mean being the one to bring justice didn’t stain my soul.  Right or not,
it was the way it was and the world I lived in for better or worse.
    I just nodded in agreement to her words before I surrounded
us with the power of air, remote viewed an unobserved area around the
warehouse, and had the magic move us there…

Chapter 10
    Friday, June 3 rd , 2016, 11:33 AM
    We appeared in an abandoned parking lot.  The warehouse
looked to be about four stories high, the dark brickwork was faded and chipped
in places, and I could tell it had been repainted many times over the years. 
There was a line of windows all the way at the top of the building, dark green
and stained.  The metal door nearby was banged up and stained, and all the
rolling doors at the docks were covered in graffiti, closed up, and padlocked.
    Inside I could feel Tara and the coven like a light echo
because of the strong wards on the building blocking me from accessing the air
inside the building.  That would have to come down before we went inside.  I
attacked the wards with fire and air magic, this time doing something slightly
different.  I tried to subvert the fire and air woven in their spells for my
own use at the same time.  The latter was partially successful, but what
brought the wards down quickly was the raw blast of air and fire magic
consuming the earth and destroying the water.
    Information blocks at a distance could withstand my air
magic, but up close and personal, within my spheres of fire and air, the ward
cracked and dissolved under my power.  I could feel the coven better now, Tara
was still kind of fuzzy, and I assumed she was in a circle.  She was still
alive at least, for now.
    I nodded and Gerald ripped the door off its hinges, and they
all stripped off their clothes, shorts and a shirt for Gerald and Todd, and in
Sierra’s and Cassie’s cases, simple dresses, and they transformed into wolves. 
For the first time I didn’t give the nudity a second thought.  With a
concentrated effort, I tried to cover them with their own shields of air, as
long as they didn’t get over a hundred and fifty feet away, I should be able to
maintain it with only a small portion of my concentration.
    We ran in and I sent a blast of fire and air at the witches,
both magical and physical, and I was careful not to hit Tara on accident.  I
almost faltered when I saw her lying there, she was on the ground in the
circle, unconscious and naked, she’d been beaten and I could only assume she’d
woken up at some point and fought back.  She had some kind of nasty device in
her arm that was bleeding her out.  She was also covered with arcane symbols
drawn in blood over her skin.  I cursed,

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