Sorcerer: Witch's Woes: Power of Air (Book 3)
they hadn’t wasted any time.  I could
see the magic currents, and the coven was trying to absorb her power.  So far
Tara was strong enough to resist it, even unconscious, but I could tell she was
    My initial attack was deflected by the coven’s personal
wards, and I held back as that was enough time for the wolves to close the
distance, and they jumped for throats with a loud growl.
    The oldest one who I recognized as Cyndy, held out a bone
and barked a single word.  The wolves seemed to run into a solid barrier of
some kind.  A lot like my fire and air shields instead of a ward against just
magic.  Cyndy dropped the bone and looked at me with a black hatred that
chilled me, as she yelled for a retreat. 
    I hammered the shield of air magic hard, but it seemed to be
interlaced with a touch of all the other elements and was very strong.  I
wondered how long it had taken for the witch to prepare it, as it wasn’t just a
simple ward.
    I channeled more magic into it while the wolves stared back
at me as if to tell me to hurry the hell up.  I could swear the three of them
looked frustrated as hell as the witches made their escape out the side door,
and I could even hear their car doors opening and closing as I bore into and slowly
burned away the shield. 
    Diana had told me once that a witch prepared for a fight
would be a dangerous opponent, and she was right, I’d underestimated the
witches and they were getting away.  It was only now that they were gone I
thought of erecting a solid wall of air at the door, something I could have
done through the shield.  Still, it wasn’t like I’d had time to prepare a plan,
if we’d taken time to do so, Tara would be dead and the coven long gone. 
    The shield fell and the wolves flew out the door.  I didn’t
bother since the coven had long since driven off by now, instead I reached out
with my power and brought down the circle.
    The circle ward went down easily compared to that shield
    I knelt down beside Tara, the device was some kind of vein tap,
I supposed it would regulate a blood drain better than slit wrists.  It didn’t
matter, I unstrapped it and tore out the needle, then used a little air magic
to heal the damage.  I looked her over, a part of me painfully aware she was
naked and even more voluptuous and pleasing to the eyes than I’d imagined, and
I had a very good imagination, but most of me ignored that as I tried to save
her life.
    To be fair, I am a twenty-one-year-old male, and her body
was…  yeah.
    That said, I was more focused on scanning her body and
repairing the damage done, also thanks to the blood, my anger at what was done
to her, and my concern for her life, my body wasn’t reacting very much to her
lack of clothing.  I healed her vein first, then started to repair the tissue
damage, scrapes, contusions, and bruises on her body from the rough handling
and beating she’d endured.
    I also found the drug in her system keeping her unconscious,
and burned it out with a judicious application of fire magic.  Outside of a few
gene sequences and part of their brains, witches were pretty much just humans,
with magic, so I had no need of pulling Tara’s particular body information. 
Biology was one of the things I was very sure of nowadays.
    I looked up when I was done, and Gerald, Carrie, and Sierra
were all back in human form and dressed.
    “Will she be okay?” Sierra asked, and actually sounded
    I nodded, “I think so, does anyone see her clothes?  Carrie
or Sierra, can you dress her?”
    Gerald growled, “The witches got away.”
    I almost growled back, thank you Mr. Obvious.  It’d been a
crazy morning so far, and my emotions were obviously raw right now, so I took a
deep breath.
    I shrugged as if it were unimportant, as they say, crap
    “But they failed Gerald, and one of their number is dead,
and they’ll be weaker now, perhaps on the run.  We can plan chasing them later,
right now we need to

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