South Row

South Row by Ghiselle St. James

Book: South Row by Ghiselle St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ghiselle St. James
    With a tentative hand, South reaches for my jeans. Unlike the last time when I was scared out of my wits and bogged down with the wrongness of what was happeni ng between us, this time, I don’t stop her. I am vibrating with nerves and my dick throbs with anticipation. He’s been waiting a long time for this. Don’t worry, buddy, you’ll be home in no time.
    I’ m giving my dick a mental pep talk. No, that’s not weird at all.
    South loosens my belt and pops the button on my pants. Slowly, she unzips me and my bulging dick pulses underneath my black boxers. Maybe I should’ve gone commando. Or, maybe I should’ve just shown up at her door wearing nothing but a smile…and maybe a bowtie. No, that would have freaked her out, and that little kid I saw running down the hallway. Yeah, I’d probably get arrested for public indecency. That wouldn’t have been my best plan at all.
    But this is good. T his is good. Better than good. It’s fucking amazing!
    South ’s eyes widen at the bulge and I suppress a smirk. Yes, I’ve grown, Red . She finally touches it and I groan. I don’t wanna rush her, but I wanna rush her, you know? Jesus Christ, I feel like I’m about to explode here and she’s taking her fucking time. But I will not ruin this moment by prematurely ejaculating, I will not ruin this moment by prematurely ejaculating.
    South pulls my boxers down and over my hardness and it juts out toward her. Calm down, buddy. Blood is rushing through my ears right now, and I fear that if she touches me I’ll pass out…or come. Oh God, this is really happening. South is gonna touch my penis! Get a grip, Little Tommy Boner.
    South wraps her warm hand around my cock and squeezes. A pained, but pleasurable groan bursts from my lips and my cock jerks in her hand. She yelps and releases me, slapping her hands over her mouth.
    “Di’ I ’rt chu?” I can’t understand a thing she is saying with her hand over her mouth like that. I couldn’t hear her anyway, with desire eating away at my whole body and my heart thumping out of my ears.
    “ What?” I pant, trying to keep my body upright. Damn those hands of hers.
    She removes her hand and whispers, wide-eyed and scared, “Did I hurt you?”
    Wait a minute… what? Doesn’t she know that I was half a second away from blowing my load in her hands? I stare at South and she looks scared, doe-eyed and…inexperienced. Hasn’t she…since? She must have. But…she looks terrified right now. It can’t be possible. Can it?
    “ South?” I venture in a shaky voice. “Haven’t you–have you never–” I don’t even know how to ask the question. She knows what I’m asking, though. She flushes scarlet and ducks her head.
    “ What? Y-yeah, I have,” she stutters. “Pssh, plenty of times. I’m like a sex machine. You know, always…sex…ing.”
    Holy shit. She’ s a virgin. Well, not really, I took care of that; but it’s obvious that she hasn’t done it in a long time, or God forbid, since I took her virginity.
    Shit, what am I doing? It’s then I remember that she is Connor’s best friend. A damn kid. Everything comes crashing down like an avalanche, reality smacking me right in the forehead. The past is shining bright before me, the wrongness of what I had done all those years ago. Fuck!
    “What the hell am I doing?” I mutter to myself as I tuck my miserable cock back into my boxers and zip my pants up.
    He ’s throbbing against the material, begging to be let loose, but he’ll thank me for this later. My heart, that’s a different story. It is beating fitfully, like it’s screaming at me. I can’t help but think I am making a mistake with this. Then, a vision of thirteen year-old South pops unbidden into my mind and all I feel is disgust with myself.
    “What?” she asks, looking up at me timidly.
    Those eyes weaken me. They always have. But, I can ’t fall under their spell today. No. This is wrong, so very wrong. I’m engaged for crying out

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