Sparks the Matchmaker (Aaron Sparks Series)

Sparks the Matchmaker (Aaron Sparks Series) by Russell Elkins

Book: Sparks the Matchmaker (Aaron Sparks Series) by Russell Elkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Russell Elkins
the ways?
    “Mission accomplished,” Sparks said once they were on the sidewalk outside.
    “Oh yeah?” Ollie said. “That hardly seems to be the case. You’ve got me going on a trip with a girl who’s still trying to break it off with her jealous boyfriend. How smart are you, Bomber?”
    “Oh come on. Trust me a little. Your aunt will be excited you’re coming. Besides, you’re nowhere close to being ready for your history test. You can spend the weekend getting ready for that.”
    “I’d like to spend the weekend studying something else.”
    “Oh yeah, like Joy’s going to go crazy for Total Stranger Guy over the weekend. Can you say rebound? Double rebound? Double the rebound or your money back? You guys would be a couple of regular racquetballs.”
    “Okay, Bomber. What about the boyfriend guy?”
    “He’s not a threat. Look, she’s been hoping for a while now he was gonna take the hint, but he’s a little slow.”
    “Ya think?”
    “She’ll break everything off before you leave Friday. She’s not attached to him at all.”
    “You’re sure she’ll break it off before this weekend?”
    “Pretty sure. Yeah.”
    “Well, ain’t that great. And typical.”
    “Hey, you get what ya pay for.”
    “Yeah? And what is that? You still haven’t told me what strings you’re attaching to this. What’s it costing me?
    “All in due time.”
    Ollie shook his head and moved on. “I haven’t even seen my aunt in about two years. It’ll be kinda random and awkward to just show up. You know… without Anne.”
    “Trust me. It won’t be awkward. You’re going to enjoy the weekend. Joy’s gonna have a great time, too.”
    Ollie started asking all kinds of questions about Joy, but Sparks told him it would be much be better if he just found out for himself. “Don’t you want to have something to talk about in the car?”
    “I just don’t wanna screw it up, okay?”
    “Ollie, you couldn’t screw this up if you tried.”
    “Really?” Ollie was genuinely surprised.
    “No. Not at all,” Sparks said. And then he grinned.
    “Shut up, Bomber. You’re a jerk. You know that, right?”

Chapter 7

    Ollie spent the next morning washing his car. He needed some distractive therapy, and that was his favorite. He was able to think things over. He wasn’t being antisocial, or purposefully trying to cut Keith and Richie out of his life— or D either, for that matter. He needed space and time to be able to think. He didn’t feel much like one of the boys. He wasn’t used to sharing much of his life with them anymore, not since things had become serious with Anne and he’d become used to spending every waking minute with her. Now, with so many crazy things going on since the Anne era had come to a crashing end, he was at his limit. Try to explain any of it to Sparks as well? He didn’t want to go there.
    He took his time washing and polishing, and when he finished up he went inside.
    “Hey,” Keith said, “Richie says you were out there washing your car again today. What’s that all about? You washed it the day before yesterday.”
    “I’m taking a trip for the weekend,” Ollie said simply.
    “And what? I just wanted it washed before I left, that’s all.”
    “I think I know you well enough to know you’re not telling me something.”
    “Like what?”
    “Like why you washed your car. You never wash your car just because you’re going somewhere. Where are you going and who’s going with you?”
    “Just a couple of girls.”
    “That explains the clean car, but not the secrecy. Is Anne one of them?”
    “Don’t be dumb.”
    “Dumb? How’s that dumb? Who is it, then?”
    “Just some girls I found on the ride board. I’m gonna spend the weekend at my aunt’s place in Colorado.”
    “And you weren’t going to tell any of us?”
    “What for?”
    “Why not? Maybe it’s nice to know a little bit about your life in case you ever decide to go hiking alone or end up stuck in jail

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