Spellscribed: Conviction

Spellscribed: Conviction by Kristopher Cruz

Book: Spellscribed: Conviction by Kristopher Cruz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristopher Cruz
    Endrance hurriedly stripped down, shucking everything. "Fine. Happy?" he grumbled.
    Endrance rolled his eyes. "Figures."
    He had a simple brown robe shoved into his hands once they were certain he had been divested of any items or objects that could be enchanted. It was cut cheaply, but he could feel it was clean and of high quality cloth when he pulled it on. He was offered no footwear, but they didn't clamp any kind of restraints on him.
    After dressing, he looked at Weldom. "So... now what?" Endrance asked. "Are we going to shackle me? Or are we going to tie up my hands or gag me?"
    "Oh gods, I wish we were." Weldom replied. "But we don't need to worry about that."
    "No." The High Magus looked like he was tasting something sour. "I am required by the Archmagus to inform you that the spells warding the inside of his tower will detect any form of magic and will prevent unauthorized teleportation. Since you are retaining your plea of innocence, you are being afforded a suite within the tower. You are to remain inside, unless escorted by a member of the Circle of Magus rank or higher. Any attempts to leave without said authorization is to be considered a confession of guilt. Breaking any laws within the tower, causing bodily harm, damaging its property, or using magic in a harmful way is considered a confession of guilt. Do you understand these completely overgenerous regulations."
    Endrance pondered for a few seconds. "So, you're saying that I'm here on house arrest?" He asked.
    "Archmagus Talos prefers to consider anyone of the Holy Circle innocent, unless he absolutely has to believe otherwise." Weldom replied. "Something I don't necessarily agree with."
    Endrance frowned. "What if someone attacks me while I'm sleeping?"
    "Causing bodily harm is a confession of guilt."
    "What if someone tries to drag me out that isn't a mage?"
    "Leaving the tower, or your room unassisted is a confession of guilt."
    "Well, I'm sure that the chances of someone assassinating me while you're in charge will be slim to none." Endrance said, irritated.
    Weldom shook his head. "No. I'm not in charge of someone so insignificant. There's larger things at hand that I must attend to than you. You will be attended by untalented followers of the Holy Circle."
    "I'm shattered." Endrance replied dryly. "Just when I was starting to warm up to you."
    "Do you understand the regulations?" Weldom demanded.
    "Yes." Endrance snapped.
    "See you at the trial." The High Magus replied curtly, and with a snap of his fingers, was gone.
    Endrance sighed, looking over at the two wizards, who had just finished locking up his possessions. "He's a charmer." he observed. The two only gave him a thin-lipped smile before leading him to his room. They refused to talk to him, though Endrance was unable to figure out why.
    Endrance’s suite was larger than he had thought possible. Thirty feet by forty-five feet, the room had thick carpets over the stone floor, bookshelves packed with books. An expansive desk with empty pages of parchments, blank books, inks, and quills sat across from an ornate four poster bed. The bed was made with plush sheets and comforters, and enough pillows he could have slept on those alone and been comfortable. A four foot column in the center of the room had a gold and silver decorated brazier set at the top, which crackled merrily with a warm, cheerful fire.
    Endrance looked around the room, awed. “This is my cell?” he asked, surprised. There was even a silver angel themed fountain in the corner where clear cool water constantly trickled into a silver-lined basin. A cabinet was nearby, hand crafted wood with fine detailing that contained all manner of dining utensils in one door, and the other door was full of freshly cooked food. That one puzzled the mage until he figured out that it was magically conjuring food when he opened the door.
    “Well,” Endrance sighed as he sat down at the desk. “Here I am.” The

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