Spirit Sanguine

Spirit Sanguine by Lou Harper

Book: Spirit Sanguine by Lou Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lou Harper
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Gay
broad daylight.”
    “If he’s what they say he is, he’ll be here. It’s the perfect day for it too.”
    Harvey had a point—September had been mild so far, but a subtle threat of the impending cold season hung in the air. Rain clouds gathering above looked even darker through the car’s tinted windows. At the other side of the street, the flood of students thinned to a trickle.
    Harvey unwrapped a stick of red gum and shoved it into his mouth.
    “Why are you bothering with those if you can’t taste them?” Gabe asked.
    “I almost can. I remember the flavor when I chew them—it’s psychological. These used to be my favorites. Number seven on my list of things I miss about being a normal person.”
    “Normal being subjective,” Gabe said under his breath, but even as he did, the awareness of another vampire getting closer tickled up his spine. “Someone’s coming.”
    “How far?” Harvey straightened up in his seat, all business.
    “Couple of blocks.”
    “You have an impressive range.”
    “It’s been getting better, and I was concentrating.”
    They waited for the man to come into visual range. He wasn’t much to look at: medium-build jeans, gray long-sleeved shirt and baseball hat. Dressed to blend in, but thanks to his special skills, Gabe recognized the predator under the camouflage. Like a seasoned hunter waiting for its prey, the vamp lingered across the corner from the school, half-hidden behind a tree. A chubby brunette of about fourteen crossed the street. As she strolled past the vamp, he stepped forward and stopped her. Staring into her eyes, he said a few words. From that distance, it was impossible to know exactly what transpired between them, but the two of them started briskly down a side street.
    “Okay, Harv, it’s your turn. The way we agreed.”
    Without a word Harvey jumped out of the car and dashed after the vampire and the girl. Gabe put the car in gear and rolled down the same street till he found a spot to park ahead. He shut off the engine and watched in his side-view mirror as Harvey caught up to the pair and clasped the man on the shoulder. Even without audio, the scene was easy to interpret. Harvey acted like someone bumping into a good friend, slapping the man on the shoulder, smiling and talking. Harvey was damn good at playacting, but Gabe had known that already. The surprise in the man’s face changed to anxiety as Harvey switched his attention to the girl. The vampire puffed himself out and moved to rebuff Harvey, but his bluff was easy to see. Whatever Harvey replied poked the hole in it—the man spun and rushed down the street, past Gabe.
    Gabe let him disappear around the corner before getting out of the car and heading after him. He left the keys in the ignition. Following his mark from a safe distance, Gabe put the Bluetooth headset over his ear and dialed Harvey.
    “You have him?” Harvey asked.
    “Yeah. How’s the girl?”
    “She’s fine now, can’t remember a thing.”
    “How’s that possible?”
    “He charmed her. Which direction are you headed?”
    Through the phone he heard Harvey starting up the car. “Toward the El station. Charm what?”
    “Short-term hypnosis. Some of us can do it,” Harvey explained over the phone.
    “Lovely. Please tell me you have your headset on while driving.”
    “Of course I do. Chill. You worry too much.”
    As they drew near the station, Gabe picked up his pace. He didn’t want to lose the guy due to a train arriving too soon. He wasn’t sure he could track a vamp on a moving train from a car. His concerns were validated when the train pulled in only a few seconds after he reached the platform. He shuffled on the same car as the vamp, but two doors down.
    “Eastbound or west?” Harvey’s voice crackled through the headset.
    “West,” Gabe whispered.
    “Ah. Can’t talk, I see. Hey are you having déjà vu? Cough once for yes.”
    Gabe cleared his throat.
    Harvey’s chuckle answered him. “Lucky for

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