
Spiritwalker by Siobhan Corcoran Page B

Book: Spiritwalker by Siobhan Corcoran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Siobhan Corcoran
think.... It was before she changed her number.  Sometime in the summer.  June or July, Sylvia might know.
    “Your mother changed her number?”  Anna asked wondering if the two events might be connected.
    “Yeah, she was getting crank calls I think.  You know, like when I'd answer the phone and there wouldn't be anyone there.  Mum changed all the numbers, the house and her mobile.  She told us not to give them out to anyone we didn't know.”
    “Was that unusual for her to do?”
    Oh god yeah.  Mum hated having to change her number.  Well it’s such a hassle isn't it, you have to give everyone your new number.”
    “Had it ever happened before, the crank calls I mean.”
    “No don't think so.  But it happened to a friend of mine last year, but that turned out to be an ex- boyfriend.  She changed her number and he stopped”
    “Did the calls to your mother stop?”
    “I think so.  At least I don't remember any problems after that.”
    “Did your mother call the police/
    “I don't know, maybe. Do you think it might have something to do with her being...Missing?”  Molly was mulling over the events in her head.  “Can I come to Aunt Eva's with you? I don't want to be here on my own.  Dad's in Germany organising some tour or other and Sam is in Scotland.  Besides I need to find Mum and make sure Sassy's okay” 
    “I think that's a good idea.”  Anna said, she hadn't wanted to leave Molly on her own in case she had another attack.
    “I'll just pack a bag and leave a note for the housekeeper.”  Molly said heading out the door. 
    It didn't take Molly long to throw together an overnight bag and she arrived back to Anna suited and booted and ready to go.  Anna realised that this was a girl who did things on impulse, she had hoped to interview some of Jane's friends and neighbours but she didn't want to leave Molly to get the train on her own, so she said.  “Do you have the phone no. of your Mum's friend Sylvia?  I'd like to arrange to meet her, maybe she knows more about that guy that your mum brought home.  Or maybe she knows who Mary is.
    “Sure, hang on I'll get it.  Mum keeps a list of her contacts in an address book somewhere.”
    Molly searched the drawers of the writing desk and uncovered a large leather bound address book.
    “This is it.” She said handing it to Anna.  “She started writing addresses and phone numbers down after she lost her phone one time.  I showed her how to store them electronically but she preferred to keep a hard copy, in case the computer ever went down.  Molly rolled her eyes in exasperation as though the thought of such a thing was unthinkable.
    “Do you mind if I hold on to it?”  Anna enquired
    “Nay, that's fine, I'm sure Mum won't mind.”  As soon as the words were spoken it began to register with her the reason she was giving someone her mother's address book.  Anna could see she was trying really hard to hold herself together.
    “It’s okay Molly.  Tell you what, you phone your sister and dad and I'll ring Sylvia and make an appointment to see her.  Then we can travel down to Kent together.  What's Sylvia’s last name?”
    “Cavendish, at least I think it’s still Cavendish.  She been married at least three times and divorced three times, that's her maiden name, sounds posh doesn't it.  I think she's the daughter of a lord or something.  The Honourable Sylvia Cavendish.”  Molly said imitating a footman announcing a new arrival at a posh party.
    Anna smiled at her, glad that Molly seemed to be able to make jokes under the circumstances.
    “Why don't you ring your family and I'll see if Sylvia can meet with me today.”  She said flicking through the pages of Jane's address book and locating Sylvia’s no she was glad to note that it was a London address.  Hopefully she will be at home Anna thought as she pulled out her mobile from her purse.
                At first Sylvia was reluctant to meet with Anna.  She

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