Star Force: Quenar (SF88) (Star Force Origin Series)
how they arrived?”
    “Perfect cloaking device.”
    “I don’t want someone or something like that getting
onboard my ship.”
    “Mist scan?”
    “We can, but it’ll take some time to set up. We’ll
also have to arrange a lot of security for you.”
    “Take your time, but if they want to talk that’s
better than shooting first.”
    “I think this means they’ve had a cloaked ship here
observing for a while.”
    “I wonder how many more are out there. You think the Zak’de’ron are completely gone?”
    “If not they’re going to get an eyeful.”
    “I know,” Davis said, referencing the tech
differential. “Tell them I accept, then set it up to your liking.”
    “Holo would be to my liking,” Jason differed, “but
we’ll make it work.”
    “Did we get a name?”
    “If they have a native one they didn’t give it, but
the translation is Knights of Quenar.”

    It took four days before preparations were ready, then
Davis found himself waiting on a rebuilt cargo bay in the center of what looked
like a sports arena. The center was open to the air with large columns ringing
it and all the apparatus to generate incredibly powerful shields that could
bisect the area on a thought. Multiple layers could be added, meaning that
anyone inside the arena could be sectioned apart like a chess board. That would
allow the Knights of Quenar entry and the ability to talk with him in person,
yet give Star Force the ability to protect Davis should they try anything.
    Davis was also wearing his Archon armor, clad in
acolyte silver while the bright pinks of Jason and Paul were beside him. Riley
was not present, instead handling fleet coordination from the Zeus and protecting Nefron, knowing that
he was probably the bigger target than Davis if these newcomers wanted to do
more than talk.
    A small transport had entered the bay moments ago,
sealed off by newly built walls that gave it a decent landing area but then
forced its occupants to pass through an airlock that held the ‘mist’ sensors.
In reality they were tiny robots the size of dust that relayed their positions
to the nearby sensors, so that if they were fooled by a cloaking device the
little robots would be able to paint a picture of the silhouette by their
physical absence in the space it occupied.
    The KoQ had been informed of the procedure and
approved of it, so the first Davis saw of them was when the inside of the
airlock opened and they walked through the opposite wall of the arena. They
wore no visible armor, merely loose fitting green clothing with a multitude of
golden ornamentation. There were three of them, each with a Humanoid torso, but
from the waist down they split into four legs that were part spider part Human.
They angled away from the center of mass then went straight down, but they were
well muscled and looked to give them impressive jumping capability.
    Their skin was hairy, covered in greys and whites so
thick he couldn’t make out the actual skin beneath it, and the same was true of
their faces, which vaguely resembled dogs with a short snout, but they had two
eyes and two arms much like his own, though they sported what looked like seven
fingers as they walked across the considerable gap towards the three Humans
with a backdrop of Archons, Knights, and Commandos of various Star Force races
standing by ready to act if anything went poorly.
    Their minds are
blank , Jason commented telepathically.
    Well shielded ,
Paul amended.
    Poker then ,
Davis noted as they continued to walk towards the waiting trio, trusting in his
own Ikrid blocks to keep his thoughts protected if the Knights of Quenar were
in fact telepathic. They waited for them to cross the 200 meters or so until
they came to a low wall, barely 8 inches high, that denoted where they were not
to cross. The three of them stepped up to it side by side, with the one on the
left being slightly taller than the others’ 6 foot plus height, making them
almost eye level with the

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