Star Force: Sav (SF51)

Star Force: Sav (SF51) by Aer-ki Jyr Page B

Book: Star Force: Sav (SF51) by Aer-ki Jyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aer-ki Jyr
we have different experiences to pull off of.”
    Bo looked at Jace . “Try to
give the man a compliment and he schools you for doing it inaccurately.”
    “Yep,” Wilson confirmed.
    Paul laughed. Usually the master trainer didn’t show much
    “So,” Bo said, glancing at both Wilson and Vortison.
“Big picture is if I can ascend again it’ll take longer?”
    “If his theory holds, yes,” the medtech said.
    “And if yours lasts longer,” Paul added, “we might be
able to get enough data from you alone to find the triggers.”
    Riona walked over and wrapped Bo up in a big hug from
behind. “Looks like you’re going to be our new training buddy.”
    “She’s right,” Greg said. “You’ve got to stay here and
train your ass off. Forget field work, go after as
many triggers as you can.”
    “Please,” Paul urged.
    Bo held up his hands in surrender. “You don’t have to
tell me twice. Sounds cool, regardless I’ve been wanting to catch up to Morgan for a long time anyway.”
    “Ha,” Greg laughed. “Good luck with that one.”
    “Hey,” Paul said, frowning. “I’m ahead of her now.”
    “We all know that won’t last,” Bo dismissed offhand.
    Paul glared at him. “Now them’s fighting words.”
    “If I can beat Vermaire…” he floated with an innocent
    “I believe,” Wilson said casually, still studying the
hologram and making some notations on his datapad, “that he is looking for a
rematch. I’ll wager 100 credits he’s going to beat you next time around.”
    “Ouch,” Paul said with a hushed laugh as he saw the
air visibly go out of the other trailblazer.
    “No bet there,” Greg added. “But it’ll be fun to
    “Killjoy,” Bo mumbled.


    July 18, 2546
    Solar System

    It took three days for Jason to get the trigger down,
with him having to internally adjust his physical and mental state to what was
required for Pren ascension. He’d already gained that ability, but it was
necessary for him to realign himself with it in order to pass it onto
others…something rather easy in execution, once you knew what you were looking
for. The trick was calibrating yourself without knowing where you were.
    Originally he and Paul had learned the battlemeld
trigger, which was now so familiar to him he didn’t require any biomonitor help
when he helped a ranger ascend and gain the ability. In this situation that
wasn’t the case, so he’d worn a headband biomonitor connected to a datapad
display and sat in a meditation chamber making internal adjustments until he’d
hit the mark. Then he repeated the process again and again until he was fairly
confident he could hit and hold the necessary trigger.
    That was when it was time for his first ‘handshake.’
Paul was lagging a little behind him in learning the trigger, as was Greg, so
it was Jason who got to try the first share outside of Battlemeld, with him
choosing Wilson to be at the head of the line. He did that for two reasons, one
being that Wilson was already close to getting it on his own, so it shouldn’t
take that much link prodding to hit his trigger. The second was that he knew
that if Wilson got it he’d probably learn new angles to train it, which Jason
would rather have sooner than later.
    When the time came the two sat down in a meditation
chamber, alone with nothing else aside from Jason’s datapad that he kept linked
to his biomonitor so he could troubleshoot if he lost the trigger.
    That wasn’t the hardest part, for he also had to form
the twin link with Wilson. He and everyone else who had the Battlemeld shared
with them already had been trained to replicate the link, so that wasn’t a
problem, but each person was different and forming the link was a bit of a
customization endeavor. He’d done it so many times with Paul that it just felt
natural, but attempting to do so with others always required a great deal of
work…which is what Wilson and Jason started

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