Star Raiders
girl’s eyes held nothing but terror.
    He wanted to gather them al in his arms and chase away the demons he knew would haunt them for the rest of their lives. But he realized if he showed them any scrap of kindness or compassion, they’d crumble into hysteria. Instead, using a firm voice and hand, he herded them off the platform and through the crowd.
    Cowed by their experience with the slavers, they obeyed without question. Their submissive attitude broke his heart.
    After paying the auctioneer, Shyanne, with the blonde girl stil in her arms, led the way back to the ship. Greyson herded the other children behind, while Bear brought up the rear with the oldest. Though in general the crowd seemed pleased with the arrangement, Greyson noticed a few men watching them leave with calculating looks. Trouble brewed. The sooner they were off this planet, the better.
    The girls’ smal legs struggled to keep pace with Shyanne’s long stride. Final y, Greyson picked up two of the smal er children. Bear put down the oldest and scooped up three others, and the oldest lifted another. Between them they were carrying seven of the ten children. The remaining three moved faster to keep up.
    Their pace increased, but the trip back to the ship took twice as long as the trip into town. At last Liberty came into view and Greyson breathed a sigh of relief.
    Carrying the children had left them unable to access their weapons. He didn’t like being vulnerable.
    He stood at the bottom of the boarding ramp with the older girl while Shyanne handed the children through the narrow door to Bear and Able. Suddenly, Shyanne dove down the ramp and crashed into him and the girl. They went down in a tangled heap. Laser-fire bounced harmlessly off the ship’s hul instead of bursting his head.
    Together, Greyson and Shyanne grabbed the girl and rol ed beneath the ramp.
    Above, they heard Bear and Able returning fire. Able urged them to get aboard ship, but Greyson knew better than to try; they were pinned down.
    “What are you doing?” Shyanne asked as he pushed the girl against her and crawled toward the edge of the ramp.
    “I’m going to take a look.”
    “No,” the girl cried, and grabbed at him. Apparently, sometime during the trip from town, the girl had decided he and Shyanne were the lesser evil. “You’l get shot.”
    “She’s right,” Shyanne said.
    “Probably, but we need to know their positions. If they move, this ramp isn’t going to be much protection.”
    Shyanne nodded. “Be careful.”
    Greyson wriggled around and peered out to pinpoint their assailants’ locations.
    The flat land surrounding the ship gave them little cover, so the men crouched low to the ground. A shot buzzed over his head and he pul ed back.
    “There are two of them about thirty yards at three o’clock,” he said. “Take the girl out the other side and up the ramp. I’l cover you.”
    “You take the girl and lift her up. You’re stronger, and I’m a better shot.” She grinned at him and, before he could argue further, rol ed out from under the ramp and came up firing.
    “Damn stubborn woman!” he swore but didn’t hesitate; grabbing the girl’s arm, he lifted her up to the top of the ramp. Able reached out, snagged her and dragged her inside, keeping her out of the line of fire the whole time. Greyson then turned his attention back to Shyanne.
    The acrid smel of laser-fire burned his nose. Their attackers were firing blind, and it was striking the ground al around them. It was only a matter of time until one of them was hit.
    “Come on!”
    He leapt onto the ramp and reached for her. Firing off one last vol ey, Shyanne whirled, grabbed hold of his hand and swung herself onto the ramp beside him. Five feet separated them from safety.
    Laser-fire pinged against the ramp and the side of the ship. Greyson pushed her ahead of him through the opening. From inside the ship he could hear Able yel ing and the girls’ sobbing. He turned and shot. A man

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