Starting Fires

Starting Fires by Makenzie Smith

Book: Starting Fires by Makenzie Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Makenzie Smith
I’d dated. It seemed strange that he was suddenly warning me about Lucas. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to have to choose sides if things went bad. He’d known Lucas for a long time and me for longer. I could be putting him in a bad situation if it came down to that. But, honestly, I had no intention of letting things go that far. I just wanted to have fun—to be and act free, to throw caution to the wind. It didn’t have to be with Lucas, he was just the only guy that held any appeal for me right now.
    Later that night, I lay in bed channel surfing. It was late, about two in the morning, and all I could find were infomercials. But sleep wouldn’t come. Deciding that it never would if I kept flipping through channel after channel, I turned off the TV and curled up under my blankets.
    The house was quiet and the buzzing of my ceiling fan began to lull me into a slumber. Just as I was nearly completely under, the sound of a car engine broke through my sleepy consciousness. I listened. It sounded like it was across the street. Being the complete weirdo-stalker that I was, I got out of bed to check it out. As I approached my window, Lucas opened his door and stepped out of the car.
    I smiled bashfully and watched him fiddle with his keys. He looked over his shoulder as his passenger side door opened and out walked Kate. My stomach dropped. From the illumination of the street lamp, I watched her approach him and lean into his side. Lucas wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. The two of them slowly walked into his house.
    I felt like a voyeur watching the whole thing, but couldn’t take my eyes away. My heart sank, but I had to remind myself that he could do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted. I had no claim on him. Still feeling upset, I walked back to bed and crawled under the covers. Maybe Charles was right. I don’t think I was cut out for this no strings attached thing. Lucas and I hadn’t even kissed and knowing that another girl was with him right now made me feel queasy.
    I found sleep, but much later than I had wanted to.
    The next morning, I woke around 10 a.m., tired and restless. After I had a bowl of cereal and drank a cup of coffee, I decided to go get the mail—since I knew no one had in a few days. I slipped on some flip-flops and, still in my pajamas, strolled to the end of my driveway.
    Just as I reached the mailbox, Lucas’ door swung open. He and Kate walked out laughing. I quickly averted my eyes and reached in to get my mail. As I pulled it out and started walking back to my house, I peeked in Lucas’ direction. He was standing at his car door, looking over his shoulder at me. His face looked troubled.
    I smiled fakely, which I’m sure he knew, and gave him and Kate a wave before heading back into the house. “ Whatever ,” I whispered as I closed the door behind me. Most of the mail was junk, with a letter from my school thrown in. I admit I sulked at the kitchen table as I sipped on a second cup of coffee that I didn’t need. I did my best to think of anything but Lucas, but didn’t know if actively trying to not think of someone still counted.
    A knock at my front door jolted me, making me nearly spill my half-empty mug. Wally raced down the stairs like a herd of buffalo, screaming, “I’ll get it.” I heard him open the door, and then in a deep voice mutter, “Well, hello there handsome. What can I do for you?”
    I chuckled, until I realized who “ handsome ” probably was. Lucas strolled into the kitchen and smiled at me. “Got a minute?” he asked.
    “Sure. What’s up?” I struggled to keep my voice sounding cool and unaffected. He gave Wally the eyes, telling him to leave. My roommate strolled to the fridge grabbed an orange soda then took off up the stairs. I chuckled at him again. The guy was silly.
    Lucas sat down in the chair across from me. “How is everything?” he asked. “The car’s not giving you anymore

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