Stepbrother Broken (The Hawthorne Brothers Book 2)

Stepbrother Broken (The Hawthorne Brothers Book 2) by Colleen Masters Page A

Book: Stepbrother Broken (The Hawthorne Brothers Book 2) by Colleen Masters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Masters
Yeah, ” she
chuckles nervously, “ He seems like kind of a dick,
right? ”
    “ Total dick, ” I agree. “ Pretty hot though. ”
    “ S-sorry? ” Maddie stammers, running a hand through her long dark
blonde bob. God, she can be such a puritan sometimes.
    “ What? He is, ” I shrug, “ Did you see those tattoos? And that
hair? God lord. It ’ s like if Jon Snow and Thor had a
super sexy, tatted-up love child. Not sure how that would work biologically,
but —”
    “ I mean, yeah, he ’ s pretty attractive …” Maddie allows slowly, “ But
I mean, he ’ s kind of off limits, right? All
the boys are. What with Mom and John ’ s
history and everything? ”
nearly stop in my tracks at Maddie ’ s uncharacteristic leap of logic.
    “ Whoa, whoa. I wasn ’ t planning on jumping him or
anything, Maddie, ” I laugh, “ Unless you think he ’ d be into it, that is. ”
watch as Maddie ’ s face goes perfectly still, her
mouth hardening into a tight straight line. I hate to say it, but she ’ s always been something of a prude, my big
sister. I mean for god ’ s sake, she ’ s only had about three boyfriends in her entire life.
And all of them were long, drawn out, monogamous relationships. I shudder at
the very thought.
    “ Christ, Maddie. I ’ m kidding, ” I say, snapping my sister out of her dead-eyed trance.
    “ Oh. Right, ” she mutters, “ I knew that. ”
    “ We need to get you drunk ASAP
tonight, ” I laughs, “ The rat race is turning you into something of a
downer, my dear. ”
    It ’ s so weird that her mind would leap immediately to
whether or not it ’ s OK for us to hook up with John ’ s sons. Maybe all that boring relationship sex is
screwing with her straight-and-narrow sensibilities? I hadn ’ t even considered that question myself. But, then
again, I have someone waiting for me back at Sheridan. Someone who would surely
put these rowdy country boys to shame.
spot one such country boy standing at the end of the dock, looking out across
the water. He ’ s big and broad-shouldered like his
dad, and tatted-up like Cash, but with much lighter ash-brown hair.
    “ Hey there, ” I call to him as Maddie and I approach.
ignores me completely, keeping his gaze on the water.
    “ Maybe he didn ’ t hear you? ” Maddie suggests in a whisper.
he ’ s just being a dick, I think to myself, marching right
up to him.
    “ Hey, ” I
repeat, tapping on his muscled shoulder, “ What ’ s up? ”
take a step back, startled, as he raises his hand to me. For a terrifying
second, I ’ m reminded of the other night at
the bar — the moment when that skinhead
maniac cocked back his arm to pummel Danny into the ground. But no … this guy is simply trying to shut me up. Looks like he ’ s just as charming as his big brother after all. What ’ s so damn fascinating about the lake, anyway?
the younger son ’ s gaze out across the water, I spot
the source of his intense focus. Two built, barreling bodies are racing toward
us, cutting the water with strong, sure strokes. I ’ m guessing that it ’ s
the two other brothers, having a little pre-dinner race. I ’ ll never understand men and their need to make everything into a contest.
a big step back to avoid getting drenched, I watch as the two men soar toward
the dock, sending up a huge jet of water in their wake. Crossing my arms, I
brace myself to meet the third of John ’ s sons. Maybe he ’ ll be more of a conversationalist than this cavemen
brothers? But something tells me not to get my hopes up.
look on as the swimmers grab hold of the wooden dock and pull themselves
effortlessly up out of the water. Just as they climb side-by-side onto the
planks and straighten up, the fiery orange sun blazes out from behind a cloud
just above the horizon. I squint into the bright sunlight, blinded by the
sudden burst. When my eyes start to adjust, I find myself starting at a pair of
exceptionally cut

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