Strange Land (The Young Ancients Book 15)

Strange Land (The Young Ancients Book 15) by P. S. Power

Book: Strange Land (The Young Ancients Book 15) by P. S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. S. Power
were barely able to even look at the food devices, and those were literally keeping them alive for the moment. Only the saints could work them, and trying to suggest they all share a magical palace or two for each village just didn't seem in the cards.
    It took a while to get the King to see that though. In Noram everyone wanted one of those for themselves. At least those that knew about them. From Dukes to peasant farmers, no one would have turned that kind of aid down.
    "In Tellerand it's different. If the All High hasn't ordered something personally, it's looked at with great suspicion. I had to get on my knees and beg people to eat, claiming that it was His will the whole time, for months. It wasn't just me either. Eventually there were thousands of us, just walking from one place to the next, wearing sack cloth and ashes on our heads, crying and pleading." It had taken her a while to understand that part of things though. "That, the begging, really offends them, too. At first I thought they were looking away because they didn't want to see my shame and embarrassment. It wasn't that though. They actually felt I was saying that I, and by extension, we here and those in Harmony, are more humble and closer to their god than they are. Basically Roget and I just laid a giant guilt trip on an entire land, and told them they had to do what we wanted, or else they weren't as good as we were."
    That news got King Richard to move in, his red hair moving just a little as he shifted toward her.
    "Truly now? That's interesting. I don't suppose that could work again the same way? Have some people move in and beg them to accept sturdy shelter? It seems backwards, asking them to take such things, but we don't have time to sit back and wait for them any longer. Things are getting too dire, and we're losing too many people, worldwide. Our own losses here have been in the millions this year alone. I take it that theirs have been worse?"
    "Yes. So much so I can only guess at the true number. I think that more than half of their people are gone already, Sire. Even with food, I doubt that half that will make it to next year. If I could pull it off I'd move them to Harmony. That, or one of the new space stations. The problem there is that the vast majority of them can't even bring themselves to try and tap an amulet on. I don't really know what to do."
    For the first time she could remember, King Richard closed his eyes in her presence, but spoke instantly. It wasn't a thinking trance, which she'd seen before. It was commiseration.
    "That is one of the hardest parts of being a good ruler, Sara. How do you help those that can't see you have their best interest at heart? You can extend a hand to them, but not make them take it. That would be the move I'd make. Go to them, and make the offer, and see who takes it. Perhaps with more begging? It's harmful to the soul, and I wouldn't ask it of you, but if there is no other way, that might be the only thing standing between your new people and death."
    She managed a somber smile then.
    " My new people? You mean for the next... Thirty-nine hours? That would be a trick, getting them to do anything useful in that short of a time."
    The large man chuckled a bit, then shook his head.
    "Do you really think that Terrance Baker, after seeing what you've done there, is planning to simply let you go? My guess is that he has a real, and probably loftier, situation in mind for you. In all the world Sara, only you have managed to get the people there to eat the food provided. Gerent Lairdgren was driven from that place three times. So were the others that were sent in. You, and no other, have made a significant change there. Not that I wish to lose you from my employ. You're good at your job. Dedicated, and willing to sacrifice for the sake of others. I can certainly see why he'd want you, however."
    The look that passed between them was a lot less telling than she would have liked. It was, she guessed, possible

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