Stranger in my Arms

Stranger in my Arms by Rochelle Alers Page B

Book: Stranger in my Arms by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Alers
away,” he said truthfully.
    Alex shifted on her seat, turning to stare at Merrick’s profile. His taut expression was one of pained tolerance. A shiver snaked its way down her body. Whenever she posed a question about his past she felt him withdraw from her. She turned away from the glum-faced man. The seconds ticked off, the increasing silence inside the vehicle deafening.
    Merrick downshifted as he maneuvered around a sharp curve, a stretch of road locals referred to as Deadman’s Curve. It veered sharply to the right, and then without warning the grade dropped off before the road veered left. Viewed from the air the road resembled a large undulating snake. A smile found its way through his closed expression with Alex’s audible gasp.
    Reaching over to his right, he caught her left hand and held it until she unclenched her fingers. “Relax, baby. I’ve driven this road enough to do it with my eyes closed.”
    â€œPlease don’t close your eyes, Merrick.”
    Not willing to avert his attention from the snow-covered roadway, he squeezed her fingers. “Don’t worry, Ali. I’d never let anything happen to you.”
    His smile widened. “Promise.”
    Alex alternated closing her eyes and holding her breath as Merrick navigated sharply to the right, then left as the wiper blades worked furiously to keep the windshield free of snow.
    Half a mile later, Merrick left the paved roadway, maneuvering onto a narrow rutted path bordered on both sides with towering pine trees. Within minutes, the overgrowth of trees and shrubs gave way to an open meadow. The outline of a two-story house was visible in the steady beam of headlights. He slowed, coming to a complete stop under a carport.
    â€œAren’t you going to park in the garage?” Alex pointed to a two-car garage about fifty feet from the house.
    â€œThere’s no room. I’ll show you what’s in there tomorrow.” He cut the engine, got out and came around to assist her.
    Alex waited for Merrick to open her door; she extended her arms. He lifted her effortlessly, setting her on her feet. If it hadn’t been for the truck’s headlights and falling snow it would’ve been pitch-dark. There were no streetlamps or lights from nearby homes. Merrick lived in the middle of nowhere. He admitted moving to the wilderness because he’d been running away. Running away from what or whom?
    Clutching his arm, she followed him up several steps to a porch; squinting, Alex tried seeing beyond the curtain of white but encountered eerie nothingness. All of her senses were heightened when she heard the distinctive sound of a lock opening followed by a soft beeping that was silenced when Merrick punched in a code for a security system. Within seconds light illuminated the first floor.
    â€œCome in,” Merrick urged. “You’re letting out the heat.”
    She stomped the snow off her feet and walked into a living room with modern functional furniture. The saddle-tan leather sofa and love seat complemented the heavy oaken tables, giving the space a masculine feel. Polished pale pine floors and wide windows covered with bamboo blinds in a straw-yellow shade further enhanced an atmosphere of openness.
    â€œIt’s wonderful.” Her voice echoed awe.
    Merrick stared at Alex, complete surprise on his face. “You like it?”
    She smiled at him. “Of course I like it.” Her smile faded as quickly as it’d appeared. “Why did you think I wouldn’t?”
    â€œI was under the impression you’d think it too rustic.”
    She rolled her eyes at him. “Where you live is rustic, not your home. Can I see the rest of it?”
    â€œSure. The kitchen is to your right and the pantry and laundry are off the back along with the family room. The bedrooms are upstairs in the loft.”
    Shrugging off her coat, she handed it to Merrick. “Can you please

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