Stranger in my Arms

Stranger in my Arms by Rochelle Alers

Book: Stranger in my Arms by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Alers
order to embrace womanhood.” He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “If you take me to another museum I’m going to go ape shit, Alexandra Cole.”
    Clapping a hand over her mouth, Alex stared at Merrick as if he’d taken leave of his senses. She wasn’t as stunned by his refusal to go to another museum as she was by his knowledge of what he’d observed and retained. Although she thought herself cogent in the art field, she still was hard-pressed to remember where every piece was housed.
    Lowering her hand, she glared at him. “Where’s the Angel by Abbot Henderson Thayer?”
    â€œIt’s at the National Museum of American Art.” He gave her a Cheshire cat grin. “Now can I have my A?”
    Her thunderous expression softened. “Why didn’t you say something?”
    He pressed his mouth to her ear. “I didn’t because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Please, pretty please, give me my A, teacher.”
    Merrick continued to astound Alex with his mercurial personality. Most times he exhibited a staidness that made her uncomfortable, but then without warning he would soften, exhibiting a teasing quality that allowed her to lower her defenses, wherein she wanted him to become more than a friend.
    Wrapping her arm around his waist, she rested her head against his shoulder. “You passed, Merrick.”
    â€œWhat’s my final grade?”
    She gave him a sidelong glance. “A.”
    â€œLet’s go somewhere and celebrate?”
    â€œWhere do you want to go?” Alex asked. For the past eight days he’d driven to her place, where they planned their itinerary for the day. Three nights they ate at his hotel’s restaurant, and she’d returned the favor and cooked for him again.
    â€œAnyplace where I don’t have to whisper. You’re leaving the States in five days, and I’m going back to Bolivar where the only thing I’m going to hear is the sound of my own breathing.”
    â€œYou should get a pet.”
    â€œI don’t want a pet.”
    â€œThen get a girlfriend.”
    â€œI have a girlfriend,” he crooned, catching her earlobe between his teeth, “but she’s going to Mexico City.”
    Unexpected warmth eddied through Alex. The soft nip of his teeth on her ear and his moist breath flowing into it heated her blood rushing to nether regions, triggering a pulsing between her legs.
    In five days she would leave the States and Merrick. They’d spent practically every day together walking the snowy streets of Washington, D.C., touring museums and art galleries and drinking lattes at Starbucks. They’d become friends and formed a comfortable camaraderie without the likelihood of a physical involvement. And there were times when she wanted to do more with Merrick than hold hands or exchange a chaste kiss.
    Merrick released her ear. “What are you thinking about?”
    â€œHow do you know I’m thinking?”
    â€œYou’re not saying anything.”
    She gasped. “Oh, no, you didn’t!”
    â€œDon’t get your cute little nose out of joint, because I’ve never known you to be at a loss for words.”
    â€œYou haven’t known me that long, Merrick.”
    â€œThat may be true, but even if we were together for the next thirty years I’d never know the real Alexandra. I’m willing to bet there are things about your father your mother doesn’t know, and vice versa.”
    â€œYou’re probably right. Everyone has secrets.”
    Running a finger down the length of her delicate nose, Merrick replaced it with a soft kiss. “I have a secret.”
    She smiled. “Do you want to tell me about it?”
    â€œI want you to spend the next four days with me at my place. I’ll have you back in Virginia in time for you to make your flight.”
    Alex was totally bewildered at his request. Just when she was beginning to

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