Sunny Side Up (Lake Erie Mysteries Book 1)

Sunny Side Up (Lake Erie Mysteries Book 1) by Maureen K. Howard

Book: Sunny Side Up (Lake Erie Mysteries Book 1) by Maureen K. Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen K. Howard
paper since my handbag was back in the cabin. It never fails. As soon as I set it down out of reach, there was something I needed. For lack of a better plan, I focused on memorizing the twelve-digit hull identification number displayed on the right side of the transom. Apparently, the brilliant criminals hadn’t thought to conceal the numbers that could quickly identify all the information about the boat and its owner. June took mental notes on the physical features and clothing of these two brazen entrepreneurs.
    The boat finished its mission and left the marina, heading east. As soon as it was out of sight, I unfolded my body from its awkward position under the picnic table and went in search of pen and paper. Hammond was sitting up rubbing the stubble on his cheeks when I entered the cabin.
    “What was all that racket about? I was sound asleep. Hey, what time is it? Maybe it was those guys the detective told me about.”
    “Oh, honey it was them. I need to write this down before I forget. Let’s see: OH55 5SPF 1029. I can’t wait to bust these goons!”
    “Well, it’ll have to wait at least until the morning. What are you doing up so late anyway?”
    “June and I were just talking about everything that happened today. Did you ever find out what all the sirens were all about?”
    “No. I had my own problems. I’m going to bed.”
    I really wanted to ask about his clothes and his mood, but I decided I would let it go until morning. Technically, it was morning, but I wanted to get some sleep before the sun came up. “Good night then, hon.”
    I went back outside to check on June and found her pacing back and forth on the dock. “Hey, Francie, that little adventure got me all wound up. Can I borrow your bike and ride back to the bed and breakfast? I should be tired by then and able to catch some Zs. I’ll bring it back in the morning. If Hamm still wants to go back to Beacon Pointe, I’d like to come along if he doesn’t mind.”
    “I don’t know, June. It’s awfully late.”
    “Don’t be silly. There are street lamps the whole way back, and there won’t be any traffic, that’s for sure!”
    I was reluctant to give in, but I knew she’d wear me down until she got her way. “Okay, fine. At least promise to text me when you get back safely. I’ll wait up.”
    She was already balanced on the seat and ready to take off. As she rode away, she called back to me, “I’ll text you in a few minutes. Bye!”
    As promised, five minutes later, I received the short message “home safe c u in am.”
    Relieved that all was well, I fell into bed and was out in seconds.

Chapter Eleven
    Shortly after sunrise, much earlier than I wanted to be up and around, I awoke to the glorious smell of Starbucks Breakfast Blend. I lay under my cozy down comforter torn between the notion of staying tucked into my comfy berth or giving in to the lure of caffeine. I couldn’t ignore the aroma any longer, so I tossed my pillow aside and followed my nose to the coffee. I poured a generous mug and shuffled out to the cockpit where I found Hammond staring out at the placid water, holding his own steaming cup in both hands. The mood was still quiet, and I still had no clue what had switched his own mood so suddenly from lighthearted to sour last night.
    We had already paid for dockage for the three-day holiday weekend, and I was certain that if we left now, our dock would be reassigned, and we wouldn’t be able to return if we wanted to. I sat down beside my husband and drew my legs up onto the seat so I could scoot them under Hamm’s legs. Judging by the fact he allowed me to touch him with my feet, which he usually hates, I figured it was okay to proceed with my questions.
    “So, honey, are you ready to talk about last night?”
    “It was nothing, really. I guess I was just angry at myself.” He rubbed my knee softly and continued to look out to the water.
    “First of all, when I went to light up my cigar, my lighter was gone

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