Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey by Cora A. Murray

Book: Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey by Cora A. Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cora A. Murray
to turn around and go around the whole damn state of Utah." I add, glancing at the kids’ scared faces. This is definitely not our safe place to stay.
    The farther we go into Richfield the more destruction we see. Cars are piled on the sides of the roads, making it nearly impossible to pass. We went in bumper to bumper, leaving no room for anyone to get between us. My Glock sits on my lap and my sawed-off shotgun sits by Blu's side. This is when I wish we were all riding together, but I know we need the extra vehicle for supplies.
    "Makayla!" Tessa yells.
    Turning slightly in the seat I ask, "What?"
    "I saw a sign that said go to the school if you are looking for help." She says excitedly.
    "Honey, we're not going to the school. This place was overrun with zombies and I'm sure if anyone was left, they'd be gone by now." I say.
    "Mak, we need to check." She says stubbornly.
    "I'm not even sure we can get through. Do you see the roads?" I ask.
    "Yeah, but someone could be here!" She states with her arms folded over her chest.
    Damn, she is going to make me check this place out. Following the signs to the school, we get to a painted sign on the pavement that reads school ahead. The cars and trucks are so cluttered together it feels like someone did it on purpose. There is no going through or around them in the truck. I am going to have to walk in from here.
    "Blu, get in the driver’s seat and be ready for anything." I say pointing to my seat. "If I'm not back within thirty minutes, leave and don't come back for me." I say before I get out and start walking toward the school.
    "What the hell are you doing, Makayla?" I'm jerked from behind by Logan, his arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me backwards toward the truck.
    "Tessa needs me to check the school for survivors." I respond.
    "Fuck that. Get your ass back in the truck and let's get out of this hellhole." He says angrily.
    Shaking him off, I stare back at the truck and I say, "I promised Tessa I would do this."
    Rubbing his beard he says, "Fine, let me grab my gun. I'm going with you!"
    "Afraid not, Logan. Someone needs to stay here. If I don't come back, please look after those kids. Don't you dare leave them to fend for themselves." I respond, hands going to my katana as I begin to walk away.
    "Dammit, Mak, you are one stubborn woman. I promise I won't leave those kids behind, but please come back. The kids aren’t the only ones who would miss you." He turns and walks back to the SUV, aggravation and frustration in every line of his body.

Chapter Fifteen
    The parking lot is littered with papers as if this had been the last day of school. Cars sit untouched, layers upon layers of dust covering every square inch of the once gleaming cars. At least this will be a good place to get some fuel. Walking on, I come to the front door of the high school. The door is bent inward, almost as if something or someone pushed their way in. Chains lay on the floor of the hallway and I know that at one time these doors had been chained and locked, the survivors safe within; or so they thought.
    Inside the school is dark and shadowed, a great concealment for zombies. I have to be on alert with every step. My katana hangs loosely strapped to my hip and I have my Glock in my hand, safety removed.
    "Hello, is there anyone here?" I yell out. I hear the telltale shuffle, slide movement from the classroom next to where I am standing. A moment later the moans start up and within seconds I am surrounded by five zombies, each reaching out to grab at me. One reaching for my arm, another falling over and crawling toward my legs. A bullet went through the eye of first one then the next. Backing up, I hit the wall behind me as more zombies join the fray. The bullets fly from the gun in my hand, they are falling as fast as they come out in the open. When my gun clicks, letting me know I am out of bullets, I reach for my

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