Sweeter Than Honey
scanned the riders, trepidation rising when she noted Reverend Sessions wearing his white collar and Amos Handy’s beefy fist holding a shotgun like it was a fly swatter. Even Curly Hicks rode with the gang, looking oddly happy.
    Honey cleared her throat. Maybe they were on the trail of outlaws and their appearance here didn’t have a thing to do with the sinful goings on inside her wagon. “What can I do for you folks?”
    “Now, Honey girl,” Letty began, her tone holding more than a hint of regret, “You know why we’re here.”
    Mortification of a deep, soul-crushing sort heated her cheeks, made her hands shake and her stomach roil. “Letty, why’d you bring all these folks here?” she asked softly.
    “It was all part of our plan,” Daisy said, her smile strained.
    Anger, swift and blazing hot, took the edge off her embarrassment. “You mean besides the kidnapping and stripping him naked part?” she asked, her voice rising. It would have been one thing for the women to accidentally let slip and mention what had occurred, but to set a deliberate trap?
    Letty winced. “Well, it seemed like a good plan. At the time anyways. And could ya keep yer voice down?”
    “Why?” Honey said, scowling. “You have a headache?”
    “Damn, she gets ornery when she’s riled.”
    “I suspect she’s simply embarrassed,” Daisy said, her expression apologetic. “And a little worried about the sheriff, aren’t you, my dear?”
    “If it helps, yers won’t be the only weddin’ today.”
    Honey fisted her hands on her hips, not ready to be sidetracked from her anger, but she was curious. “There’s gonna be another wedding? Whose?”
    “Sally’s,” Letty said, a little smile curling her lips. “Curly finally ate that apple pie.”
    “Pie?” Honey shook her head, not understanding, and then her mouth gaped. “Letty? Did you give her some of your elixir?”
    “Some things call for desperate measures, and that man was as skittish as a colt when it come to marrying the girl. He just needed a little shove. Doesn’t look unhappy about it now, does he?”
    Honey leaned to the side and stared at Curly. Sure enough, his grin stretched so wide she could see every one of his pearly white teeth.
    “So how much elixir did you have to give the sheriff?” Letty whispered. “Must a been a whole bottle, since you two were still frisky this morning.”
    “Letty,” Daisy exclaimed, shoving her elbow into Letty’s side. “I swear, Honey, we just arrived—”
    “’Bout half an hour ago. With all the noise, we had to take a peek to make sure he wasn’t killin’ you.” At Honey’s shocked expression, Letty added, “It was just a quick peek. I swear we didn’t see…much.”
    Judging by the blushes both women wore, it had been more than a peek. But it didn’t matter. This had gone far enough. “I didn’t ply him with any potion. I’d never trick a man into marrying me. And while I’m happy for Sally, there will be only one wedding today.”
    Daisy reached across to touch Honey’s shoulder. “But you have to let the sheriff do right by you. Your reputation will be in shreds—”
    “And it’s so much worse,” Letty interrupted, “’cause he wasn’t even under the influence of your potion.”
    “He took advantage of you.”
    “I have no reputation to lose,” Honey shouted to be heard above the women’s chatter.
    “But what about mine?” The low rumbling voice brought everyone to silence.
    Honey closed her eyes for a moment and then looked over her shoulder. Joe stood in her doorway, his shirt only partially buttoned, exposing most of his naked chest. And he was bootless. Anyone looking at him knew by his state of undress and the thick stubble shadowing his jaw that he’d been up to no good. His expression didn’t give much away, but his gaze was piercing, maybe a little possessive, when it landed on her.
    Honey melted. This proud, handsome man stood on her stoop, looking so well-pleasured and

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