Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Page A

Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
Honest. "
    " I understand that now, " said Taffy. " And it ' s okay that you and Shawnie like each other so much. " She paused, not wanting to say what was coming next. " There ' s something else. "
    " What? " asked Kimm.
    " Can you keep a secret? "
    " Well . . . sure, " said Kimm.
    Taffy took a deep breath. " I found out after school today that Nobody Likes Tiffany Stafford is definitely going to become a television series and that I ' ve got the starring role again. "
    " So you ' ll be going back to Hollywood? " asked Kimm.
    " Right. Shawnie doesn ' t know yet. I didn ' t want to tell her until . . ."
    " Oh, I get it. Until you knew she ' d have a good friend while you ' re gone? " asked Kimm in a soft voice.
    Taffy tried to say yes, but the word stuck in her throat. She waited a moment until the awful feeling had passed and then whispered, " That ' s right. I leave on Sunday. "
    " Don ' t worry, " said Kimm. " Shawnie and I will be good friends while you ' re gone. Not only that, we ' ll both be your friends when you come home. "
    Taffy couldn ' t keep her secret much longer. Her mother was telling everyone she knew. She even called the local newspaper.
    " When are you going to be leaving? " Shawnie asked sadly. They were sitting on the front steps of the school after lunch the next day.
    " Sunday, " said Taffy. " Mother ' s checking with the airlines today. " She paused a moment. " I just want you to know that as much as I want to do the series, it makes me sad to leave. I wish there was some way you could come with me. "
    " Maybe I can come and visit you during summer vacation, " offered Shawnie.
    " Do you think you could? " Taffy asked excitedly. " Would your parents let you? "
    " I ' ll do anything to talk them into it if you ' ll promise me one thing, " said Shawnie.
    Taffy looked at her in surprise. " What ' s that? "
    Shawnie glanced up to make sure no one was listening. Then she giggled and whispered, " Introduce me to Raven Blaine! "
    Taffy laughed, too, and for a moment the whole idea of going back to her movie career seemed exciting again. Then she thought of Cory.
    " I ' ll introduce you to Raven anytime, especially if you can help me figure out what to do about Cory. I can ' t go steady with him if I ' m going to be gone for such a long time, " she said, looking pleadingly at Shawnie. " But how can I break up with him without hurting him or making him think I ' m stuck-up and conceited? No matter what I say, that ' s how it ' s going to sound. "
    Shawnie squeezed Taffy ' s hand. " I don ' t know, " she admitted. " I guess all you can do is try. There he is, over by the bike rack. Why don ' t you talk to him now, before he hears about it from someone else? "
    Taffy glanced toward Cory. He was standing alone, wearing the same sad expression he ' d had ever since Raven ' s roses had arrived. He knows, she thought. But Shawnie ' s right. I have to talk to him now.
    " Hi, Cory, " she called out as she approached the bike rack. " Do you have a minute? "
    " Sure, " he said. A smile flickered across his face and then died away. " How ' s it going? "
    " Okay. " She paused, fighting to keep her nerve. " I have something to tell you. "
    Cory ran a finger across the top of the bike rack. Without looking at her, he said, " You ' re going back to Hollywood, right? "
    Tears filled Taffy ' s eyes. She tried to say yes, but all she could do was nod. Finally she cleared her throat and said, " Part of me wants to stay here with you and Shawnie. The trouble is, I don ' t fit in anymore. Nobody likes me. Everyone thinks I ' m conceited. "
    " Is that the only reason you want to go back? " asked Cory.
    Cory ' s words startled Taffy. It was the one question she didn ' t want to answer, but she knew she had to. " No, " she admitted. " I really do want to be a star. "
    " And singing with The Dreadful Alternatives would never make you a star, at least not a big star, " said Cory.
    Taffy started to protest, but Cory shook his head. "

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