
Taken by Lisa Lace

Book: Taken by Lisa Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Lace
Tags: Romance - Fantasy
do me later. And if you keep making love to me the way you did, I'll be your slave forever," he whispered into her ear, sliding the slippery soap into her folds and making her gasp.
    Lyzette felt something hard pressing into her butt. She twisted around to see what it was and was pleased to discover that Mikael's cock was standing erect. She had been worried that it wouldn't be able to do that again.
    Good. She wanted him to take her again. It had felt very, very pleasurable.
    The washing was long and thorough. By the time they ended up clean, dry, and back in her bed, they were both hot and quickly losing control. They knelt on the bed, kissing and touching each other.
    Mikael roughly pushed her head down on the bed and came around behind her. He lifted her hips up and her round, soft ass was completely bared to him. She felt totally exposed in a way that she hadn't the first time. His knob brushed her sex and she bucked back against him.
    With a groan, he took her, filling her with one quick thrust. She wasn't sure she liked it until he started pounding into her, his pelvis slamming against her ass.
    His hand came around and touched her button and soon she was coming again as he slid into her over and over. She pressed herself back against him as he continued to plunge into her. She convulsed around him, and he came wildly and explosively — pushing hard against her butt as he gasped, finding his release.
    They were so exhausted after their passion that they lay down and curled up together, falling deeply asleep.
    When Lyzette woke up, Mikael was dressing in the gray light of dawn. She watched him and felt sleepy.
    "I have to go, Lyz. But I'll be back later. I have a match, and you can come watch."
    She nodded.
    He came over and kissed her. Then he walked over to the door, stopped, came back, and kissed her again. It was passionate. She thought that he would want to do it again, but he pulled himself away with a groan.
    "I have to go, Lyzzie. But I would rather stay and make love to you again."
    She sighed and smiled, her eyes closing again already as he slipped out the door.
    When she opened them again, both suns were well past the windows and Raimey was bringing in her breakfast.
    "Hello, sleepyhead. I don't know why you slept so late, but I saved you some breakfast when I was cleaning up, thinking you might be hungry when you woke." She stopped suddenly and sniffed the air.
    Lyzette watched her.
    "It smells like sex in here," she said, going to open the windows.
    Lyzette had a self-conscious smile on her face.
    "You did it?"
    She smiled excitedly at Raimey and nodded.
    "Oh, thank goodness. I thought you fucked it up and were going to get shipped back. That's wonderful, Lyz."
    Lyzzie felt hurt at the mention of how she had almost messed everything up. She couldn't have wished for anything different because last night was perfect.
    "Did you come?"
    "Yes," Lyzzie said, sitting up and pulling the sheet up to hide her nakedness. "Three times."
    "Three? Oh, you are such a lucky bitch, Lyz," Raimey said.
    Lyzette wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.
    Raimey looked away for a moment and then when she looked back she had a smile fixed firmly in place. She didn't seem quite as cheerful as before. It suddenly occurred to Lyzette that Raimey had been the last consort.
    "That's great, Lyzette. Well, if he had you up half the night fucking, you'll be hungry. Eat until you're full and then come down. We have work to do. Even though you're the consort, you still have to do your fair share when he doesn't want to sleep with you."
    "Of course," Lyzette said, moving over to the side of the bed.
    Raimey left. Lyzette went and took another shower, remembering the previous night and how wonderful it had been.
    She felt uneasy about Raimey. She seemed friendly in general but occasionally she was decidedly unfriendly. Was she jealous because Lyzette had ousted her from her position as Mikael's consort?
    Her mother had

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