Tales Of Lola The Black

Tales Of Lola The Black by A.J. Martinez

Book: Tales Of Lola The Black by A.J. Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Martinez
everything it had touched on fire and stones turned to burning lava. The ceiling began to drop stones creating debris. It happened fast, almost at the blink of an eye and Lola remained in one piece. Half of the hall looked like a tunnel carved for the underworld.
    Lola and Dougal ran through the destroyed hall. “You are going to regret this Lola!” Dougal said as he sprinted.
    “Would you rather be dead?” Lola replied. “I didn’t really have a choice. We had knights and mages chasing us and then dozens of statues about to crush us. I rather kill then be kill. I will not die here.”
    “I admire your courage.” Answered the wolf. They ran over debris and turned right at an intersection. Lola almost regrets destroying the halls. She admired the chandeliers, the black and white tile floor and the ivory pillars that held the ceiling ever so heavenly. The next hall was similar to the others but empty. No guards or knights patrolled the halls until Lola heard their roars behind her. “Intruder! King Alexander will have your head!” Yelled one of the knights chasing her. Lola only giggled. She spun and hurled another blast of fire at them. Some knights fell and some persisted. The mages were unaffected.
    As Lola ran down the longest hall of the highest floor of the castle, she noticed a tall door with an eye embroidered of amethyst gemstones. Lola ran to the door and burst it open. Dougal leapt inside and Lola quickly locked the door. She panted and chuckled wiping the sweat of her forehead. Then she burst into a laugh. “What a chase. That was so heart pounding!” She said with joy.
    “You are an insane magus Lola.” Dougal commented. He knew how much she likes danger. It was like alcohol for a drunkard. Lola laughed with her hands over her belly holding it in. “Come on Dougal. You cannot deny it. That was fun wasn’t it?”
    “Hell no. We almost die. Let’s not waste any time. Those knights and mages will be knocking on this door anytime.” Dougal said and just as he mentioned it the knights and mages began to thump on the door. Swords piercing through the wooden door and knights ramming it. “Damn it. Here they are.” Dougal spun around and surveyed the room that they had entered.  It was filled with books, scrolls, maps on the wall and paintings of the stars in the night. Feather pens lie on a desk with ink spilled over brown paper.
    “This is the room of a writer.” Lola assumed. She surveyed the room in hopes of seeing a way out or tools she could use but there was nothing but book shelves and artifacts of the four regions of the country. “I guess this is a dead end.” She said and the knights continued to thump on the door. Their swords pierced the door and the door caught on fire. Lola and Dougal saw how aggressively the knights and mages were trying to get in and their hearts pounded like stones in their chest.
    “Why couldn’t I just keep running down the hall?” Lola regretted.
    “Well if only you listen to me” said the wolf.
    Suddenly they heard a quivering sound of wood. A table near them was slightly shaking as if it were alive. Lola raised an eyebrow disturbed at the bizarre tablet and approached it. She kneeled down and looked under it. A man quivered under the table with his eyes close and his arms wrapped around his legs. Lola grabbed the coward and pulled him out. “Please don’t hurt me!” Shouted the man. He was bald with shaved eye brows. He wore a gray cardigan. The man was shivering like winter cold. Lola noticed that his pants wet between his legs. She covered her nose in disgust. “Who are you?” She snarled.
    “I…I…I am Harris the librarian of the castle.” The man answered.
    “Well then Harris. As you can see there are knights outside that are trying to kill us. Tell me of a way to get out of here or I will make you drink your own piss.” Lola threatens.
    “But I don’t know of any other way. This chamber is prohibited. No one is supposed to enter without

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