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Book: Tamed by Stacey Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Kennedy
Tags: Romance
neck. He wasn’t squeezing tight, but the hold was threatening enough for Kenzie to know that with a little more effort he could kill her. “You see this right here, how easily I could take your last breath?”
    She stayed silent, unable to speak through the tightness on her throat, shaking in sheer terror.
    “Your deadline was last night. My boss might have patience with you, but I do not.” He towered over her, standing at least six-foot-seven, and all she could do was stare at him as he added, “I’m paid to deal with those who defy him.” His fingers tightened on her neck and blackness began to fill her eyes. “We’re watching you. We’re everywhere.”
    She gasped as his hand tightened further, cutting the air from her lungs.
    “If you don’t call by this evening and sell this fucking worthless store…”
    Kenzie heard nothing else, fighting to scream that it wasn’t worthless, it was priceless. Gran’s touches were everywhere. This store meant more to her than anything in the world. She couldn’t sell it. No, she couldn’t walk away from the last reminder of Gran. This was the only thing keeping her sanity, the only good thing in her world. The only happy memory she had.
    “You’re a stupid little cunt,” he all but spat in her face. “I’m bored of your stupidity. This is your final fucking warning.” The hard lines of his face seemed shadowed with an anger she had never seen in anyone. He didn’t portray a dominant man, but was a man who ruled out of fear. “You’re nothing but a roadblock that can easily be removed.” He leaned right down in her face. “I’d love the chance to squeeze this pretty neck and see the life drain from your eyes. Believe me, little ones like you are always the most fun.”
    He released his hand and Kenzie dropped to the ground, gasping and fighting for air to return to her lungs. The cloudiness in her eyes began to clear as she heard the door to her shop open and then close. With each harsh breath she drew in, more tears rushed down her cheeks.
    “Help,” she finally wheezed.
    Porter took the final bite of his sandwich and pulled over to the curb in front of The Book Nook. Cora had told him that Kenzie lived in the apartment above the store, and he smiled as he cut the ignition and exited the car. The small store on the corner of the brown brick building was cute. It reminded him of something he’d find in a small town, not something off the Vegas strip. Obviously the store had been there awhile, with the wood along the windowsills weathered and the hanging sign above the door that read THE BOOK NOOK in fading paint. Porter thought the bookshop had charm.
    He moved quickly onto the sidewalk and reached the door with the open sign hanging in the glass window. As he opened the door, he heard the chime of a bell that you didn’t hear in stores anymore. His smile widened, as he always knew Kenzie had charm herself, but he liked that she was fond of older times. Simpler times, where buildings weren’t huge and stores weren’t overcrowded.
    The dusty aroma led him inside, and his smile instantly faded. Kenzie lay in a heap on the floor. He rushed forward, seeing her long hair hiding her eyes from him. “Jesus Christ, Kenzie, what’s wrong?”
    Her head snapped up, and the cold fear registering in her eyes shook him to his core. Dropping to one knee in front of her, he reached out to touch her, but she cowered away from him. Worry engulfed him, as did deep concern for her. He slowly lowered his hands, observing her intently. “Talk to me. What’s happened?”
    Her eyes held his, but it was as if she was looking right through him. “Sorry…” Her voice sounded rough. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I got dizzy and had to sit down.”
    “Dizzy?” He didn’t believe that for a second.
    Considering her carefully, he reached out for her again, and this time she allowed him to pick her up. He gathered her in his arms and helped her onto one of

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