    condom as he shuddered over her again. And again. And again.
    She encouraged him with murmured words and soft touches, her hands gliding over his back, his ass,
    her mouth hot and damp against his ear. He cried out, a pitiful sound to his ears, and he slumped against
    her, amazement filling him at what just happened.
    The mother fucking orgasm of all orgasms. He didn’t know whether to scream with joy or run like
    hell. Far and fast from this infuriating, fascinating, sexy as hell woman.

    Chapter Six
    Scarlett sat in a rounded booth with Austin’s girlfriend Michaela and her best friend Carly, all three
    sipping on giant margaritas. A large basket of tortilla chips sat on the table, accompanied by a little bowl of
    salsa and freshly made guacamole.
    Right behind Asian food Scarlett’s favorite was Mexican. And the restaurant Michaela had chosen for
    them to meet at had delicious chips and salsa. She judged a restaurant alone by the quality of the chips and
    “God, Michaela, I don’t want to hear you brag about your sex life anymore. I’m so jealous.” Carly
    shook her head and took a hearty sip through her neon green straw.
    Michaela shoved another chip lathered in guacamole into her mouth. “I am not bragging. Am I
    bragging, Scarlett?” she asked after she swallowed.
    Scarlett shrugged, not quite sure how to answer. She’d never had close girlfriends before, not even in
    school. She was more of a loner, always had been. She’d only come tonight because Austin had convinced
    her to go. “You’re kind of bragging. Not that I can blame you.”
    “Oh.” Michaela’s cheeks colored pink. “Well, I can’t help it if Austin’s good in bed.” Just the way she
    said his name showed how in love she was with him. It made Scarlett a little envious.
    “Show off,” Carly muttered, and Scarlett giggled.
    And she couldn’t help but think of her own sex god in bed. Trevor had been amazing last night. Mean
    and sweet and tender and tough. After that last spectacular orgasm, she’d escaped, unsure of how to deal
    with her feelings. He’d walked her to her car, gave her a searing kiss that made her knees weak and filled
    her with regret. Then he walked away without another word.
    It had left her feeling lonely. She hadn’t liked that at all.
    Yet she still wanted him. She hadn’t seen him either since they were off work for the next two nights.
    “Are you seeing anyone, Scarlett?”
    Scarlett blinked to find Carly looking at her with friendly interest. Her hackles went up, an automatic
    gesture and she wondered at Michaela’s friend’s motives. If she was looking to dig up secret information
    about her.
    Of course, she’s not. She’s just trying to be nice.
    “Not really,” she answered, which made Michaela’s head whip around so fast Scarlett thought it
    might spin right off.
    Karen Erickson
    “What does that mean?” Michaela cocked a brow, a little smirk curving her lips that made her look
    like a naughty devil. Funny considering she was blonde and beautiful and appeared as sweet as an angel.
    “Nothing.” Scarlett shrugged, shoved another chip into her mouth. She crunched and chewed, hoping
    they’d move onto another topic but they didn’t. They both just sat there and watched her ’til she finished.
    “Come on, you can tell us,” Michaela encouraged. “I need to divert the focus off me.”
    “I need to live through others since my sex life is so dull,” Carly chimed in, making them laugh.
    “Fine, okay I’ll tell you.” Scarlett breathed deep, tried to ignore the wave of nerves that washed over
    her. She could do this, she could confide in someone. A couple of someones who wanted to be her friend.
    “I’ve been seeing a guy. Kind of.”
    “Ooh, sounds juicy.” Michaela leaned forward, her green eyes glittering. “Anyone I know?”
    “Um.” Scarlett bit her lower lip, suddenly feeling exposed. Raw. It was hard to admit. “Yes, you

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