Tangled Vines

Tangled Vines by Melissa Collins

Book: Tangled Vines by Melissa Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Collins
Sparks of fire shoot through my sex. In mere seconds, I’m ready to explode again.
    After a few thrusts, what was once a measured and in-control pace grows frantic and frenzied. My orgasm tears through me, clamping down on his cock, milking him for every last drop he has to offer me. “Shit…I’m coming, Elle…oh, fuck…Elle…” My name is one long, drawn out groan as his hips thrust more erratically.
    In a mangled heap of sweaty limbs, we lay next to one another on the small couch. Our breathing steadies and our eyes meet. “Wow,” I mutter breathlessly.
    “Fucking yeah! ‘Wow’ is an understatement,” Owen chuckles, planting a sweet kiss to my cheek.
    Before we even have a minute to discuss anything, a knock at the door makes us jump to get dressed.
    “One minute,” Owen calls out, handing me my skirt.
    He quickly removes the condom, wraps it in some tissues and tosses it in the garbage pail beside my desk. Watching him pull his jeans over his firm ass makes my mouth water all over again. Owen catches me staring and pulls me close to him. Cupping my jaw, he angles my face up to his. “Later. We can do that,” he tips his head to the couch, “again and again all you want. But for now, we have to get this presentation together so you can nail the shit out of this deal. Okay?” He softly presses his lips against mine as he adds, “Then I’ll nail the shit out of you all you want.”
    “You know I can hear you two?” A male voice jokes from the other side of the door.
    “Who is that?” I ask, straightening my shirt.
    “You’ll see,” is the only answer I get before Owen opens the door. “Hey man,” Owen shakes our visitor’s hand, ushering him into the room. It’s obvious they know each other and suddenly I feel like an invader in my own office. An office in which I just had crazy monkey sex.
    “Elle,” Owen puts his hand on my lower back, pulling me to his side. “This is my friend Nick. Nick, this is Elle.” On the mention of my name, Owen shoots Nick a stern look.
    “You mean–?” Nick begins to ask, before Owen cuts him off.
    Nodding, Owen answers, “Yes, this is Elle. The business associate I’ve told you about.” His tone is suddenly too formal, putting me on alert.
    “Business associate?” I eye him suspiciously.
    Barely able to contain his laughter, Nick extends his hand to me. “Believe me business associate is better than what he usually calls you.” That remark earns Nick an elbow to the ribs while it earns Owen a nasty side-eye from me.
    “All right, now that we have introductions out of the way....” Owen shoots daggers at his friend and I can’t help but laugh at their boyish banter. Truth be told, if Owen heard half of the things I called him to my friends, he’d be shooting daggers my way, too.
    “Oh, yeah,” Nick suddenly remembers why he’s here. Walking over to the coffee table, Nick unrolls a blueprint and smiles up at both Owen and me expectantly.
    “Now, we can’t use this plan exactly, but I thought with a few tweaks and changes, we might be able to pull something off in time for your meeting.” Nick points out a few details on his plan he thinks we can keep, noting the most attention-grabbing aspects as he talks me through the whole thing. With a stupid grin on my face, I listen intently, letting the vision Vincent had for the place come to life.
    “Oh, crap,” Nick stops in the middle of explaining how the atrium would come together. “I left a few things in my truck. I’ll be right back,” he explains as he walks out of the office.
    The whole time Nick was going over his plans, Owen was at the desk scouring through business reports and bank statements. That’s where he still is, completely oblivious to the fact that Nick is no longer in the room.
    “Hey,” I say against his cheek, pressing a kiss there. He peels his eyes away from the computer as if he’s just realized I’m in the room. “Thanks for this, for calling in help.”

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