Team Play

Team Play by Bonnie Bryant

Book: Team Play by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
than not. Is that right?”
    “You’ve thought of everything, Stevie,” Miss Bellanger said.
    “Yes, I think I have,” Stevie said, knowing full well that Miss Bellanger didn’t understand the half of it. “Okay, see you later, then.” In a minute, Stevie was back at the fairgrounds, ready for action.
    “There you are, Stevie. What do you want us to do?” Carole asked. She, Kate, and Christine had just arrived.
    A wicked gleam appeared in Stevie’s eyes. “I want you to help me set up Booth Thirteen.”
    Lisa joined the group and Stevie began unfolding her plan.
    “Christine, since you did such a great job on the Tshirts we wore at the rodeo, you’re in charge of the sign for the booth. Here’s what it’s supposed to say.” She handed Christine a piece of paper. Christine read it and her eyes lit up with amusement. “Lisa, you’re artistic, so you can help Christine,” Stevie added.
    “Me, artistic?” Lisa sounded surprised.
    “Well, you know where the paint is, don’t you?” Stevie asked.
    “I guess I’m
artistic. Let’s go, Christine!” Lisa said, leading the way.
    “Kate, here’s a shopping list and some money,” Stevie went on. “Did you see the little shopping center down the street? You can find everything we’ll need in the housewares section of the supermarket.”
    “Outrageous!” Katie said, looking at her own list as Carole read over her shoulder. “Does Veronica know what’s going on?”
    “Veronica, as we all know, is devoted to the school and will do anything she can to help it and to entertain the—how did she put it?—‘poor little crippled children,’ ” Stevie said innocently.
    “Oh, yes. What a wonderful generosity of spirit that girl has,” Kate said.
    “What about me?” Carole asked.
    “Well, you get the fun job of collecting the money. As soon as the sign goes up for Booth Thirteen, students from Fenton Hall are going to be lined up all the way back to the highway to get tickets. Sell them as fast as you can, okay? One of the Fenton Hall students will take over in a few minutes, but I’d like you to cover for now.”
    “Deal,” Carole said. Stevie gave her a roll of tickets and a cash box. “I’ll be fine,” Carole said.
    “It’s going to be really busy,” Stevie warned her.
    “Oh, but it’s all for such a good cause!” Carole said brightly.
    Then Stevie and Carole heard a wonderful sound. It was the gentle clip-clop of ponies arriving.
Buon giorno!
” Enrico and Andre greeted Stevie and her friends cheerfully.
    The carts, which were borrowed from Pine Hollow, were large enough to seat four or five children at once. There were two of them, and two ponies, also borrowed from Pine Hollow, named Nickel and Dime.
    Stevie looked at her watch. It was ten-thirty exactly. Everything was going right on schedule.
    •    •    •
    C AROLE COULD HARDLY believe how smoothly everything was running. She wouldn’t have thought a superwoman—let alone Stevie—would find a way to balance a hospital festival, a school fair, a political speech and six out-of-town visitors all in the same weekend. She was truly impressed with everything Stevie had accomplished.
    “Hi, I’m Bobby Effingwell,” a boy introduced himself, offering his hand. “I can take over at the cash box now,” he said politely.
    “Oh, sure,” Carole told him. The name rang a bell, but she couldn’t place it. Then she remembered who he was. He was Stevie’s opponent for the Middle School Presidency. Carole studied his manner as he opened the cash box, pasted on a hopeful smile, and waited for his first customer.
    “She’ll win in a walk,” Carole told herself.
Buon giorno!
” the four Italian boys greeted Carole from their pony carts. They looked wonderful. They were each wearing their formal riding clothes, which gave the little carts an official look. Since Carole had been relieved of her responsibilities at the cash box, she decided to join an activity

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